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TCAdmin DNS Question


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New GSP starting here...


I have a friend who wants to resell my company's game servers in a way, but he doesn't want his customers to know he is a reseller.


Is there anyway we can setup 2 dns/sub domains


For example...


mycompany.tcadmin.com (My tcadmin login page)


friendscompany.tcadmin.com (My friends company tcadmin login page)


However they both go to the same place, and both share the same login details, etc etc



But have it completely masked so the other company's customers do not know they're buying from a reseller.

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TCAdmin now allows setting the template path in the URL...might help you in doing what you need to do. Just setup the second branded template and point the DNS to that URL.


I cant remember the parameter but im sure someone will be along shortly that will remember.

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