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Request DOD:S


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I would imagine it will be pretty close to CS:Source config.




It is looking pretty belak though. Only a couple hours or so before the scheduled unlock time, and no server files yet.




I did notice that they just pushes out a client update a few minutes ago :confused:

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Dead basic one, no configs etc yet (i've not got as far as them downloading) :shock:




<div class="pre"><pre><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>



<NAME>Day of Defeat: Source</NAME>













<DEFAULTCMDLINE>-game dods -console +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +exec server.cfg +map -nobots</DEFAULTCMDLINE>









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<div class="pre"><pre>

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>



<NAME>Day of Defeat Source</NAME>










<DEFAULTCMDLINE>-console -game dods -ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +map dod_anzio



<DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>-console -game dods -ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +map


dod_anzio -autoupdate %usercmdline%</DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>

<PRIVATECMDLINE>-console -game dods -ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +map dod_anzio



<PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE>-console -game dods -ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +map


dod_anzio -autoupdate %usercmdline%</PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE>








<DESCRIPTION>Execute config command</DESCRIPTION>















<DESCRIPTION>Starting map command</DESCRIPTION>














<CONTENTS>// server name

hostname "%hostname%"


// rcon passsword

rcon_password "%rconpassword%"


// Server password

sv_password "%privatepassword%"


// server cvars

sv_accelerate 10

sv_airaccelerate 10

sv_alltalk 1

sv_autojointeam 0

sv_bounce 0

sv_cheats 0

sv_consistency 1

sv_footsteps 1

sv_friction 8

sv_gravity 800

sv_maxspeed 320

sv_secure 1

sv_wateraccelerate 10

sv_waterfriction 1


mp_allowrandomclass 0

mp_allowspectators 1

mp_autokick 0

mp_chattime 10

mp_clan_ready_signal "ready"

mp_clan_readyrestart 1

mp_flashlight 1

mp_footsteps 1

mp_forcecamera 1

mp_forcerespawn 1

mp_fraglimit 0

mp_friendlyfire 1

mp_limitteams 6

mp_ticketpointinterval 30

mp_timelimit 20

mp_winlimit 0


mp_limit_allies_assault 2

mp_limit_allies_mg 1

mp_limit_allies_rifleman 3

mp_limit_allies_rocket 1

mp_limit_allies_sniper 1

mp_limit_allies_support 2

mp_limit_axis_assault 2

mp_limit_axis_mg 1

mp_limit_axis_rifleman 3

mp_limit_axis_rocket 1

mp_limit_axis_sniper 1

mp_limit_axis_support 2


// bandwidth rates/settings

sv_maxrate 25000

sv_maxupdaterate 100

sv_minrate 7500

sv_minupdaterate 20

sv_pausable 0


// server logging

log off

sv_logbans 0

sv_logecho 1

sv_logfile 1

sv_log_onefile 0


// operation

sv_lan 0

sv_region 255


// execute ban files

exec banned_user.cfg

exec banned_ip.cfg </CONTENTS>








<DESCRIPTION>Server mapcycle file</DESCRIPTION>







<DESCRIPTION>Contains current maps</DESCRIPTION>







<DESCRIPTION>Message of the day file</DESCRIPTION>










<FULL_COMMAND>kick <playername></FULL_COMMAND>








<FULL_COMMAND>ban <playername></FULL_COMMAND>









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whats happening is scrds wont bind to the game port im wanting to use. it says its in use but i know its not the only ports i can get dod to run on is 27017 and higher. it could be a ip we have no games running on and its not wanting to bind to that port. otherwise once i get it on the right port it runs great here is my updated config for this game which is working as we speak




<div class="pre"><pre>

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>



<NAME>Day of Defeat Source</NAME>













<DEFAULTCMDLINE>-console -game dod +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% -maxplayers %slots% +map dod_anzio -autoupdate</DEFAULTCMDLINE>

<DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>-console -game dod +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% -maxplayers %slots% +map dod_anzio -autoupdate</DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>

<PRIVATECMDLINE>-console -game dod +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% -maxplayers %slots% +map dod_anzio -autoupdate</PRIVATECMDLINE>

<PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE>-console -game dod +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% -maxplayers %slots% +map dod_anzio -autoupdate</PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE>











<DESCRIPTION>Execute config command</DESCRIPTION>















<DESCRIPTION>Starting map command</DESCRIPTION>














<CONTENTS>// server name

hostname "%hostname%"


// rcon passsword

rcon_password "%rconpassword%"


// Server password

sv_password "%privatepassword%"


// server cvars

sv_accelerate 10

sv_airaccelerate 10

sv_alltalk 1

sv_autojointeam 0

sv_bounce 0

sv_cheats 0

sv_consistency 1

sv_footsteps 1

sv_friction 8

sv_gravity 800

sv_maxspeed 320

sv_secure 1

sv_wateraccelerate 10

sv_waterfriction 1


mp_allowrandomclass 0

mp_allowspectators 1

mp_autokick 0

mp_chattime 10

mp_clan_ready_signal "ready"

mp_clan_readyrestart 1

mp_flashlight 1

mp_footsteps 1

mp_forcecamera 1

mp_forcerespawn 1

mp_fraglimit 0

mp_friendlyfire 1

mp_limitteams 6

mp_ticketpointinterval 30

mp_timelimit 20

mp_winlimit 0


mp_limit_allies_assault 2

mp_limit_allies_mg 1

mp_limit_allies_rifleman 3

mp_limit_allies_rocket 1

mp_limit_allies_sniper 1

mp_limit_allies_support 2

mp_limit_axis_assault 2

mp_limit_axis_mg 1

mp_limit_axis_rifleman 3

mp_limit_axis_rocket 1

mp_limit_axis_sniper 1

mp_limit_axis_support 2


// bandwidth rates/settings

sv_maxrate 25000

sv_maxupdaterate 100

sv_minrate 7500

sv_minupdaterate 20

sv_pausable 0


// server logging

log off

sv_logbans 0

sv_logecho 1

sv_logfile 1

sv_log_onefile 0


// operation

sv_lan 0

sv_region 255


// execute ban files

exec banned_user.cfg

exec banned_ip.cfg </CONTENTS>









<DESCRIPTION>Server mapcycle file</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Contains current maps</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Message of the day file</DESCRIPTION>











<FULL_COMMAND>kick <playername></FULL_COMMAND>








<FULL_COMMAND>ban <playername></FULL_COMMAND>







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also here is the exact error im getting when i launch from a bat file to test




Console initialized.


Attempted to create unknown entity type event_queue_saveload_proxy!


Game.dll loaded for "Day of Defeat"


maxplayers set to 20








here is my cmd line from that bat




<div class="pre"><pre>

start /wait srcds.exe -console -game dod +ip -port 27015 +map dod_anzio -maxplayers 20 -autoupdate


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just so you know when you download dod:s it downloads it to a folder called dod so you call the game from dod which with the way i have it setup is fine since its the only dod folder in its own hl2 folder with no other games but hl2mp.




It's odd that the game downloads and updates as dods but downloads it to a default folder of dod




p.s you can see the server running here

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OK here is one that has been tested. Generic config file and a couple command line variables. Make sure you edit the games folder name to match DodSource or change the name in the config.




Set game compatibility to Counter Strike Source for the status to work correctly. We will add DOD Source to the compatibility list soon.


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You talking about the auto game install folder correct.






OK here is one that has been tested. Generic config file and a couple command line variables. Make sure you edit the games folder name to match DodSource or change the name in the config.




Set game compatibility to Counter Strike Source for the status to work correctly. We will add DOD Source to the compatibility list soon.



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