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Clan Pay module


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I don't think that it would would be suitable for all of you. If there is any php coders in community, I can give the main idea of the system and even source code. Anyone that knows php can implement our code to his needs.


Main algorithm:


1. Form that team members should complete to send payments.

2. Data from this form should be sended to processor.

3. When payment is done processor sends callback to your custom file.

4. This file recieves callback that includes information about the registered customer and the summ. The same file put this amount to customer's balance.

5. You set up cron that runs php file that decreases/closes invoices by positive balance amount and writes down information in "transaction info" section.


Whole systems contains 3 phps: 1) with form to complete and send info to processors 2) callback file 3) file that works with the balances and invoices.


Advantages of that kind of systems is that i works with ALL verisons of CE and even could work with other billing systems with minor modifications. Moreover anyone who knows php can see "how it works".


I anyone interested I can post source codes.


P.S. Sorry for my bad English.

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I would deffinetly be interested in the source code. I have done some work coding one from the ground up but been having a little trouble with enteracting with payment systems (currently on hold since moving from modernbill) and it would be nice to evaluate how you have done it and alter yours or implement some of your ideas into mine. Credit of course would be maintained, and I am not looking to sell it simply implement it on whatever billing system I choose.

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I have installed teampay 2.5.1 on CE 3.0.2 installation was ok, admin area is perfectly working but in the user interface I have this error


Fuse: teampay


Type: Warning (2)

Description: main(modules/billing/models/Invoice.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

Script: C:\Programmi\Apache Group\Apache2\test\nuke\billing2\modules\teampay\views\Pay.php



In CE 3.02 this folder doesn't exist modules/billing/models/Invoice.php

how to fix ?

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I would deffinetly be interested in the source code. I have done some work coding one from the ground up but been having a little trouble with enteracting with payment systems (currently on hold since moving from modernbill) and it would be nice to evaluate how you have done it and alter yours or implement some of your ideas into mine. Credit of course would be maintained, and I am not looking to sell it simply implement it on whatever billing system I choose.


Specially for u then ;)


I do not include here first file beacause there is only form that should be completed by who is going to pay. It sends variables to the second one (pay.php)




there are 3 php files with comments.


order: form -> pay.php -> callback.php -> charge.php


last php is ran by cron every 5 minutes for example

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  • 4 months later...

tycom have you figured out your issue cause i was having the same problem


clientexec version 3.1.4

teampay version 2.5.1


Uploaded binary and Zend is working fine:


Warning: main(/home/USERNAME/public_html/CE-DIRECTORY/modules/teampay/ssi.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/21/d171392759/htdocs/xpservers/billing/modules/teampay/teampay.php on line 14


Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/USERNAME/public_html/CE-DIRECTORY/modules/teampay/ssi.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php5') in /homepages/21/d171392759/htdocs/xpservers/billing/modules/teampay/teampay.php on line 14


Notice: Undefined variable: b_aaVx_Aa in /homepages/21/d171392759/htdocs/xpservers/billing/modules/teampay/ssi.php on line 10


Notice: Undefined variable: error_title in /homepages/21/d171392759/htdocs/xpservers/billing/modules/teampay/ssi.php on line 73


The link you provided is not a valid link, please obtain the correct TeamPay link for your team.




Then If I log into my clientexec and click the teampay tab and history I get this:


An error has occurred with the given operation


Type: User Error (256)

Description: QUERY: SELECT '#006600' as color, user_id as anmd5, payment_date AS newdate, date_format(payment_date, '%Y/%m/%d') as newdate2, IF(STRCMP(verify_sign,'admin'),CONCAT('Donation from ', payer_name,''),CONCAT('Admin Credit: ' , payer_name)) as description, payment_amount AS amount, payment_amount as cr, 0 as db FROM `teampay` WHERE `payment_status` = 'Completed' UNION ALL SELECT '#990000' as color, transactionid as anmd5, transactiondate AS newdate, date_format(transactiondate, '%Y/%m/%d') as newdate2, IF(STRCMP(action,'admin'),CONCAT('Payment on Invoice: #', invoiceid),CONCAT('Admin Deduction: ', LEFT(response, INSTR(response,':')-1))) as description, amount AS amount, 0 as cr, amount as db FROM `invoicetransaction` WHERE transactionid LIKE 'TEAMPAY:%' ORDER BY newdate DESC, description - ERROR: Illegal mix of collations for operation 'UNION'

Request: GET /billing/index.php?fuse=teampay&view=History

Script: homepages/21/d171392759/htdocs/xpservers/billing/newedge/classes/NE_Mysql.php

Line Number: 154


homepages/21/d171392759/htdocs/xpservers/billing/newedge/classes/NE_Mysql.php (154) : trigger_error

homepages/21/d171392759/htdocs/xpservers/billing/modules/teampay/inc/class.statement.php (417) : ne_mysql::query

homepages/21/d171392759/htdocs/xpservers/billing/modules/teampay/inc/class.statement.php (97) : statement::parsestatement

homepages/21/d171392759/htdocs/xpservers/billing/modules/teampay/views/History.php (17) : statement::statement

homepages/21/d171392759/htdocs/xpservers/billing/newedge/classes/NE_Controller.php (167) : history::dispatch

homepages/21/d171392759/htdocs/xpservers/billing/newedge/front.php (76) : ne_controller::processview

homepages/21/d171392759/htdocs/xpservers/billing/index.php (3) : require

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  • 2 weeks later...



Warning: main(/home/USERNAME/public_html/CE-DIRECTORY/modules/teampay/ssi.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/21/d171392759/htdocs/xpservers/billing/modules/teampay/teampay.php on line 14


Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/USERNAME/public_html/CE-DIRECTORY/modules/teampay/ssi.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php5') in /homepages/21/d171392759/htdocs/xpservers/billing/modules/teampay/teampay.php on line 14




Looks like your problem is here, open up teampay.php and modify the include to point to modules/teampay/ssi.php instead of /home/USERNAME/public_html/CE-DIRECTORY/modules/teampay/ssi.php

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