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Linux Control Panel


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Hey, I've looked around the internet for weeks and I have been looking for a control panel which has some degree of easy use for clients. I used TCadmin in the past and I must say it was the best control panel I had ever used but unfortunately I believe Linux Works best with Game Servers.


I am currently using the CPGS which is a ok control panel, I can use it very well but it's not User Friendly at all. I had found a Control Panel which I would have named, the best Linux control panel http://www.gccontrol.com but it looks like they are out of business, as I tried contacting them five times.


I looked at IGC, cortex and CP but they are pretty buggy as far as i Hear.


Like to ask anyone who sees this, is there a control panel which supports Linux which is User Friendly and not Buggy. Also if anyone has contacts to gccontrol.com and has recently talked to them, please repond.


Kind Regards





I don't understand why TCadmin stopped the Trial program. I understand that theres hundreds of Linux brands but would it not be clever just to pick the ones with cpanel can only work with. Cpanel was the biggest reason for me to go to Linux and if TCadmin could use the same operating systems as cpanel, centos and more, then I think tcadmin would dominate the Control Panel Market

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The only other linux panel I am aware of is SCInterface. Other than that you have pretty much looked at all the others that are availible.


Windows is now taking over the gaming market as "all" games will run on windows and some simply will not work with linux.


We have stopped working on linux for 2 reasosns. One is the reason I mentioned above, and the other is we program in asp.net which requires a third party software to bridge the gap between windows and linux. While the version we created does work it has issues and we will not sell a product that is not stable.


I would suggest coming over to the dark side of windows with us and leave the silly 1000 FPS CS servers to the linux hosters :)

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Ok well before I go, is there ever going to be a time in the New TCadmin version that Linux will be added and also Windows can't run cPanelat this time.


What does C-Panel have to do with hosting game servers? No respectable GSP would host web sites on the same machines that they run game servers on.

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We are working on Version 2 for Windows ATM. As far as a linux version I don't see it happening since the market is moving towards windows more and more. However, we can't say if it will or will not be something that comes in the future.

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If you REALLY wanted to run TCAdmin on linux you could use mono (the third party software ECF mentioned), but theres a high chance not all the features would even work, and you will most definitely not get any support from TCAdmin if you can't get it to work.


Regardless, right now it would be best to use Windows anyways. Most, if not all games coming out come with a Windows server executable, something that can't be said for linux. For example, many linux hosters had to wait to host Call of Duty 4 because the developers only made a Windows version of the server. Luckily, a third party was contracted to port it over to linux, but that's not the case with other games.


tl;dr Use Windows and TCAdmin

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