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More than 2 Commandlines?


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I am looking at how to make source games have their tickrate change depending on the install... How would I go about this?




I know I can setup a default command line and a custom commandline, but what if I wanted a 3rd? Say one without a -tickrate, one with a -tickrate 66 and one with a -tickrate 100,w hich changes depending on which one an admin picks for that service... Is there a way to do this, or am I going about it wrong?

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Two ways to accomplish this.




1. Create a seprate install for say Source 100 tickrate and simply set the command line to refelct that.








2. Use the default install, and when a client orders a 100 tickrate server you can setup the server and then go into the service settings and add the -tickrate 100 to the additional arguments field and save.

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Two ways to accomplish this.




1. Create a seprate install for say Source 100 tickrate and simply set the command line to refelct that.






That's what I have been doing, but to add 66 tick (people are wanting CSDM, which seems to act funky sometimes at 100tick), would be another install... erg!






2. Use the default install, and when a client orders a 100 tickrate server you can setup the server and then go into the service settings and add the -tickrate 100 to the additional arguments field and save.




This would work great! Yay, thanks!

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With that and super fast FTP speeds...Hogie is off to take over the world :razz:






Im working on it... But now, I have a question for you:)




<div class="pre"><pre>-game cstrike -console +ip -port 27015 +maxplayers 14 +exec server.cfg +map de_aztec -tickrate 66 +fps_max 600 -tvdisable -tickrate 66 +fps_max 600 -tvdisable -tickrate 66 +fps_max 600 -tvdisable</pre></div>




That's our default command line... but it only happens on 1 instance, the other CSS servers are fine when I add the tickrates as additional args and such...




We arent using that command line choice on this server (we are using a custom one with a diff +map).




Just a weird quirk I ran into (i was drinking last night, so who knows, that could have caused it).

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I was thinking of adding the -tickrate & +fps_max as cmdline arguments like +map and +exec are... but when I dont have them setup for useraccess, even admins can't change them on that instance?








That's what I have for +fps_max for our DOD:S




but when I go (as Admin) to an instance setup...








That is what I see, no -tickrate, no +fps_max...




Am I doing something wrong (I DONT want users setting this, just admins, as I think it might be better than the additional args, so we dont forget each and every little thing per game).

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You could enter the whole command including the fps like this:


+fs_max 200 and not allow user access.








But how would I flag it that I want it enabled?




The basic idea I am trying to come up with is how to make drop downs or checkmarks to enable high tickrate servers, instead of hoping whoever sets up the server remembers to put it in the additional args...




Also the same thing for like -nohltv and such...

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