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What makes a good Game Server Provider?


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I would like to add another thing to the "Bad" GSP list.


Running cracked servers


If providers are alowing this then actually they are slapping the community in the face. I have had a couple of clients cancel after not being able to replace .exe files with cracks....


Obviously there are some out there that allow this.


I agree, cracked software ticks me off. We have lost a few customers because we refused to run cracked server files and I get tired of hearing that so-and-so GSP is doing it.

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I would like to add another thing to the "Bad" GSP list.


Running cracked servers


If providers are alowing this then actually they are slapping the community in the face. I have had a couple of clients cancel after not being able to replace .exe files with cracks....


Obviously there are some out there that allow this.


I expect there are providers out there who do this. Even when I first started out and had a large order, I had to decline them when they requested it was a cracked server. If they can afford the monthly rent on the server there is no reason they can't afford the game.

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They don't run cracked servers because they cant afford the game they run them becasue they fill up faster..


I guess so, but if a client asks for a cracked server I always refuse and explain why. Sure I might loose them, but it's not worth running the risk for the company, and also morally.

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Hints the statement if they know what they are doing. They delete their old exe with server stopped upload the new .exe with a 1 added to the end of it. Then rename the file done


Most general users dont know this but most people using cracked are pretty familiar with work arounds.

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ptadmin, if you have truly locked out the files then you can not rename it to that type of file, nor can you upload the file zipped up and then unzipped. Both of those options are locked out. So what you are suggestng doesn't work if you have proper security.


Indeed, as I said it would only work if the default security restriction settings were modified.

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Anchorman Quote "Agree To Disagree" LOL


I will check and see if File Manager is supposed to not allow the rename of a .exe file I know ours allows you to rename it. But the setup of our TCadmin was done many years ago and im not sure how they would have configured the security settings at that time.


I will have to take a peek at how it is configured :)

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