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Game Server FTP


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I have an interesting one...

I am trying to figure out when in the file settings, does the settings for each gameserver come from in regards to each customers FTP account for their game server?

What I am trying to get at... When you ftp into a user account the files structure is not the same as the actual file structure. For example : Say I have a Steam Game and I ftp to that user account the main file is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port xxxxx and that is the folder name for that game..

Here is the problem, ceratin mods for steam games, will not work and just simply crash the server when you try to use them. How can I change this setup, and or where is it?


I can't imagine with all the servers out there someone hasn't raised this issue, because a lot of seam customers use these mods that simply will not work on the default setup.


I hope that makes sense

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The gun game mod.. If you install it, the server fails to work. I had a guy that only deals with Steam, try an do it, and after her viewed the ftp and found that the folder name was port 27015 not TCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , that they know there is issues with TCA and running this specific mode.. I would like to change the file structure in the FTP so that the mods know what the file structure is. I am sure that most mods need the absolute path for them to work. specifically the ES tools.

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I have 5 clients happily running the gun game without any problem. Gun game doesn't care about it being xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxportxxxxx

And I can't even begin to count the number of clients runnng ES Tools and its various different scripts.

Now I do and always have run it without spaces, as ECF mentioned. There are some games/mods/aplications that don't like spaces in there path. But I gave up even trying on spaces long before TcAdmin so I couldn't say which have a problem with that.

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I have never come across a steam mod that won't work due too some ftp setting. care to provide some examples?


Can you give me a little info on the steam mods? I have never played with them, but would like to have mine going so my users can do the one click installs, and have them work.. Gun Game, still corrupts the server.


This SqlLite that runs with the es tools and gun game, is there something special that needs to be entered in the php files for it to work right? Do I even need to worry about that part?

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Can you give me a little info on the steam mods? I have never played with them, but would like to have mine going so my users can do the one click installs, and have them work.. Gun Game, still corrupts the server.


This SqlLite that runs with the es tools and gun game, is there something special that needs to be entered in the php files for it to work right? Do I even need to worry about that part?


Feel free to bad mouth me if you like, but my company has spent countless hrs researching how to run/configure all steam mods we have setup for one click install. And I am afraid we are not in the habit of spending all our time researching and testing stuff to then condense it down for our competitors. We have no problem saying yes or no too questions, providing the occasional basic config for a game in tcadmin, or pointing someone in a direction or towards the obvious. But that is where we draw the line in assistance.


If you need direction, go to the websites for the mods you have questions about and start reading there documentation that they have, and paruse there forums.

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Feel free to bad mouth me if you like, but my company has spent countless hrs researching how to run/configure all steam mods we have setup for one click install. And I am afraid we are not in the habit of spending all our time researching and testing stuff to then condense it down for our competitors. We have no problem saying yes or no too questions, providing the occasional basic config for a game in tcadmin, or pointing someone in a direction or towards the obvious. But that is where we draw the line in assistance.


If you need direction, go to the websites for the mods you have questions about and start reading there documentation that they have, and paruse there forums.

Well all right then.. Pretty much the ways of the GSP huh?


Well good luck with your endeavor.


And if you think I haven't spent many hours myself, trying to find answers you are mistaken.

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