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Well since the conversation will continue I will answer a few posts. Actually there was plenty of complaining, at least in the circles I tend to run in. We are very strong supporters of the checks and balances our unique government setup allows to exist, bemoan any time it doesn’t exist and feel if you review history (accurately giving credit where its due, not just looking at who actually held the office at the time but what actually lead up to the event. No government office holds the magic power to just wave a wand and change the US) you would see that most of the bad things have resulted from problems with the checks and balances being tipped. This is why I have never and will never simply vote Republican, or Democrat, or even independent for that matter. I review each candidate carefully and I also review who is in office and consider the effects of another democrat or republican in that part of the government.

There are countless problems with this mindless democratic mud throwing. First there is a matter of timing, and the economy started turning very quickly after he took power. Presidency isn’t some magic office allowing instant change of the US economy. Second many areas of the economy were already well past the limits that economic analysts felt they could support and had been predicted to burst BEFORE he was even elected. There was a real problem (heck still is) with uneducated Americans thinking that because one person made some nice cash doing something that everyone should be able to jump in and do it. But there is no piece of the economy that can support that and when everyone tries to run to the latest thing it pops each of them leaving a trail of failed business in its wake, certainly not good for economy. Then lets look at all the subprime mortgages issues as people felt there houses value could do nothing but skyrocket, but while real estate will always be needed it can NOT climb at monstrous rates forever. Leaving a double whamming on the housing market, and people housing situation directly effects there spending habits. Haven’t seen to many homeless bums going on shopping sprees. Then there is the effects of 9/11 on the economy, do you really expect scared American who have seen just how powerful the terrorists are and realized how vulnerable they are to continue there same spending as though nothing had happened? Or are you one of those nut jobs that thinks the entire 9/11 was planned by our government, perhaps even Bush himself :p This is just a brief overview of the problems with the idea of Bush is to blame for our entire economy, So I think trying throwing it all on his shoulders is as blind as one can be.

while I’m not entirely sure I would fully classify Obama and much of the current Democrat regimen as full socialism, they are awfully close. And I have toured the world (not on vacation) enough to have a fairly good idea. I’d say I know far more about it then many Americans from having seen and experienced it first hand. And the democrats recent talks starting up of seizing American’s 401K and IRA plans and placing them under government control sure does seem to be bordering on it. Those of us that have had the brains and work ethic to set ourselves up with retirement must now look at the real possibility that that will be taken from us by the government and we must rely on them for our retirement sure does stink of socialism to me. And if it passes after Obama takes power while I will weep for myself and those that voted McCain I will only laugh at and tell those that voted Obama they got exactly what they deserved regardless of how much they had saved up.

And it doesn’t matter weather you offer grand tax breaks to the wealthy or tax there socks off, they will stay wealthy. The business owner is going to pass costs on to the consumer, regardless of where those costs come from. Does that really need to be stated on a forum that should be primarily business owners. Are you really trying to tell me that you just take a lifestyles cut when your costs go up and that you don’t set the prices of your new products accordingly? I know there are a few that try that but seems like most come and go and its those of us that keep saying you have to set your prices according to your business plan not according to what everyone else is charging that are still here and kicking, or was I imagining reading those types of posts. Why do people seem to like to throw out there own book of wisdom when it comes to politics?


I didn't say Bush was to blame for all of this--both sides definitely had a part in this mess. But it's kind of odd that our national debt doubled twice, during Reagan and Bush's terms. But to Reagan's credit, there was an imminent recession thanks to Carter's (D) inaction.


I don't necessarily believe in socialism (the kind where you give money to lazy people).. rather the "socialism" where we reinvest in our infrastructure and population through other means. (better education, streamlined public transportation, etc). That really isn't socialism.. but apparently to some people that is socialism. On the other side, I do think we need a safety net for people who fall upon hard times, but there would need to be restrictions so that it is not abused.


And trickle down economics, like Rich said, just doesn't work. People are greedy by nature.. sometimes we need government intervention to "spread the wealth." If it did work, we wouldn't be in this mess since we're throwing money at the richest people in the country. (see: bailout)


If Republicans actually balanced the budget like their predecessors once did then that would be a different story.. but alas they don't. I would rather support someone who would "Tax and Spend" ON US, rather than someone who would "Borrow and Spend" to make the rich richer.


This is Daniel BTW.. on a different PC and didn't feel like resetting my password (since I forgot it)

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