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to ECF


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Hold on, didnt you read the beginning of my thread ECF?


As I said LFA the only that can really help doesnt post in the old gamepanel.org forum anymore, so there is no way to get much help from there. But besides that, correct me if I am wrong I posted in the Off-Topic Forum where it says "Anything and everything not related to TCAdmin" And you just come along and shut it down. You are careless and you are rude.


Well nevermind with lfa's hints I was able to fix it anyway.

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Hold on, didnt you read the beginning of my thread ECF?


As I said LFA the only that can really help doesnt post in the old gamepanel.org forum anymore, so there is no way to get much help from there. But besides that, correct me if I am wrong I posted in the Off-Topic Forum where it says "Anything and everything not related to TCAdmin" And you just come along and shut it down. You are careless and you are rude.


Well nevermind with lfa's hints I was able to fix it anyway.




I did read your post, which is why I asked you not to post here for help with a legacy panel that doesn't have anything to do with TCAdmin.




Next thing we know 20 people will be in here asking for help with it.




Call me rude, call me whatever. But please do not post support questions that are not related to TCAdmin.





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buy a license of tcadmin 10000000000 better ;)




I second that.


If they guys at TCAdmin were to answer support questions that relate to every other panel on the market to keep some one elses cutomers happy or in business do you think TCAdmin would stay in business very long????




One of the best things that makes TCAdmin so great is there support. Second to none! So if you want it pay for it like the rest of us.

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<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText">Quote:</td></tr><tr><td class="quote">

If they guys at TCAdmin were to answer support questions that relate to every other panel on the market to keep some one elses cutomers happy or in business do you think TCAdmin would stay in business very long????







I understand and agree. Your objective is to sell TCAdmin and then I come along and ask for support for a different panel for free. Heh whos the rude one really? :razz:


Well its from the same creator and TCAdmin is much more advanced and has many more features. The old gp is not really a menace to tcadmin. I thought I won't do no harm with my post.


I just couldnt let ECF punch me and then let him walk away without complaining. :smile:




Jaggl gr?sse aus Mariazell naja jetzt wieder aus spanien :razz:



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My post simply asked you not to post support questions regarding gamepanel.org here. my reason is simple. 1 person posts and get's a response, and next there will be 20 people here asking questions regarding it.




For those of you who do not know. Gamepanel.org is a free gamepanel that was created by LFA before we joined forces with him and created TCAdmin togather. Is a very nice FREE panel for clans and indivduals looking for limited control over their game servers.




I suppoose I could have been a bit more tactful in asking not to post. But we really don't want everyone from the other forums over here posting questions.





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