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I have it raring on my server right now... You need full game install to upload to server like you did with quake3...




There is a quake4ded.exe, which when I ran, it started up a game, but I haven't gotten to look at it past that. The dedicated server interface (gui) looked exactly like q3's...




Im working on getting a config built now.

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I finally got a server up and running...




On our Dual Opterons, with 16 players CTF, it is using 65mb memory, and 12 - 14% cpu.




Now to actually get it running from TCAdmin...






It looks like it only uses 1 port for everything... 28004 is default.

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I will be sorting through the config file at some point to sift out the uneeded parts.




Once done, I will post an updated config file. A good place to look is the readme.txt file. It has a lot of the server cvars in there that are not listed in the default config file.





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Also, I think the rcon is a "modified" rcon for doom3, so I am not sure if it will work correctly...




As for the player list, they did change something. There is now a "Clan Tag" area for users, and that is in the player list where there use to be \0x00\0x00 after the player name, it is now \0x00<Clan Tag>\0x00 if they have a clan tag in there.

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OK, here is the latest stripped down version of the config. I just finished testing it on our test server and it works.




This config starts the server in DM mode and utilizes the mapcycle file as well.




Please test it out and let me know if anything is off.





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Also, I think the rcon is a "modified" rcon for doom3, so I am not sure if it will work correctly...




As for the player list, they did change something. There is now a "Clan Tag" area for users, and that is in the player list where there use to be \0x00\0x00 after the player name, it is now \0x00<Clan Tag>\0x00 if they have a clan tag in there.




I have LFA looking into the changes that need to be made for the query.





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Okay, I found out some stuff I never thought about tonight...




command line vars are processed in order...


exec's should be done before any +set's you do... (good example why is because I had set usePass 1, but my cfg had 0 in it, and it was after the +set, so it was overriding it).




put +spawnserver last on the command line so your configs run through first.




Oh well, I guess im stupid.

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