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Cant get 100 tic


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sv_lan 0

sv_maxupdaterate 100

sv_minupdaterate 20

sv_unlag 1

sv_maxunlag .5

sv_voiceenable 1


mp_dynamicpricing 0

mp_autokick 0

mp_autocrosshair 0

mp_autoteambalance 0

mp_buytime .25

mp_c4timer 35

mp_fadetoblack 0

mp_flashlight 1

mp_forcecamera 1

mp_footsteps 1

mp_spawnprotectiontime 0

mp_freezetime 0

mp_friendlyfire 1

mp_hostagepenalty 0

mp_limitteams 6

mp_maxrounds 0

mp_winlimit 0

mp_playerid 0

mp_roundtime 999

mp_timelimit 999

mp_tkpunish 0

mp_startmoney 16000


sv_airaccelerate 5

sv_allowdownload 1

sv_allowupload 1

sv_alltalk 0

sv_cheats 0

sv_friction 4

sv_gravity 800

sv_maxrate 25000 // legal values for this setting are between 9999 and 30000

sv_maxspeed 320

sv_minrate 0

sv_stepsize 18

sv_stopspeed 75

sv_timeout 65

sv_voicecodec vaudio_speex

sv_pure 2


mp_allowspectators 1

decalfrequency 60

host_framerate 0

setpause 0

log on


and no ping booster or media player.

Edited by s4mrotte
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  • 2 weeks later...
which runs as a lightweight service so I don't need to worry about starting it after each reboot


um, have you actually tried the src one? I have not tried the one that you mentioned above, but I do know that I have the src one installed as a service to the admin in TCA which makes it also restart with the system without having to login. ;) In addition to that fact you also have the option to turn off desktop interaction as with all TCA services. PLus there is already a TCA config written for the srcboost for those interested. :cool

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