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Request: Battlefield 2


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Ok now make you do the following with your server install


Put bf2cc into bf2cc folder "DO NOT LAUNCH"


delete the files you see in the config file section




Your ready to do installs. Manager must be config'ed initially manually before starting




Start will launch manager and autostart server


Stop will kill manager and server




:grin: :grin: :grin:


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If your server setup is installed to d:\bf2


extract the manager to d:\bf2\bf2cc






then you delete












Make sure you dont launch the server manager


inside your installation directory or theres more files your gonna have to delete everytime you install one

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  • 3 months later...

I get this error with this config doing what u described...everything setup fine then i get this in the bf2cc






<div class="pre"><pre>2/25/2006 3:15 PM: >>>>> FATAL ERROR: Error loading startup profile default.

2/25/2006 3:15 PM: >>>>> STACK: System.ArgumentException: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)

at System.String.System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider)

at System.Convert.ToInt32(Object value)

at System.Data.Common.Int32Storage.Set(Int32 record, Object value)

at System.Data.DataColumn.set_Item(Int32 record, Object value)Couldn't store <> in ServerPort Column. Expected type is Int32.

at System.Data.DataColumn.set_Item(Int32 record, Object value)

at System.Data.DataTable.NewRecordFromArray(Object[] value)

at System.Data.DataRowCollection.Add(Object[] values)

at BDSoft.BF2.Server.Util.Profile.GetProfile(String ProfileName)

at BDSoft.BF2.Server.Init.RunInit()

2/25/2006 3:15 PM:

2/25/2006 3:15 PM: >>>>> Daemon init has terminated.

2/25/2006 3:15 PM: >>>>> Please fix the error and restart.</pre></div>




HELP , im messing tryng to see what it is

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Hi there,




I got a few questions to the bf2 server files, perhaps you could help me out. I have installed the bf2 cc configuration and files now, but i am really wondering how i ensure that people dont simply change the slots in the config, and in this configuration where is the slot amount set anyway?






BEst Regards



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Sorry i havent replied, I have figured out my problem, and the problem is I had to delete the default.profile in the bf2cc folder, for some reason the one that is automaticlly configed within this bf2 bf2cc tc admin config does work for me. Anyways only problem now is to get a ranked server running, not quite sure how, but I hear your supposed to keep certain files / binaries locked from the client?

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Yes. EA requires that you must keep most of the files and directories locked down. I will ask one of our other ranked providers if they might post their config here for ranked servers that they use.

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Hey i got a question, can just anyone provide ranked battlefield2 servers or do you have to fill special requirements. I didnt really inform myself yet, but i guess if customers rent battlefield2 servers, then ranked.






Would be kool to be kept up 2 date in this thread.







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To provide ranked BF2 you must have a contract with EA and the last I heard there is a waiting list of over 100 companies looking to get ranked status.




So if you don't have ranked status through EA, you cannot host ranked servers.

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