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Urban Terror - Quake 3 mod


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Good starting config for Urban Terror.




<div class="pre"><pre><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>



<NAME>Quake 3</NAME>










<DEFAULTCMDLINE>+set com_hunkmegs 56 +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_port %serverport% +exec server.cfg +map q3dm3</DEFAULTCMDLINE>

<DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>+set com_hunkmegs 56 +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_port %serverport% +exec server.cfg +map q3dm3</DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>

<PRIVATECMDLINE>+set com_hunkmegs 56 +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_port %serverport% +exec server.cfg +map q3dm3</PRIVATECMDLINE>

<PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE>+set com_hunkmegs 56 +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_port %serverport% +exec server.cfg +map q3dm3</PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE>





<CONTENTS>eta sv_hostname "%hostname%"

seta g_motd ""

seta sv_maxclients %slots%


seta g_quadfactor 4

// Quad Damage strength. 4 is default


seta g_gametype 4

// Sets the type of game.

// 0 - Free for all

// 1 - Tournament

// 2 - Free for all(again)

// 3 - Team Deathmatch

// 4 - Capture the Flag


seta timelimit 15

seta fraglimit 50


seta g_weaponrespawn 3

// number of seconds before weapons respawn


seta g_inactivity 3000

// number of seconds before an inactive player is kicked


seta g_forcerespawn 0

// forces players to respawn 0=OFF 1=ON


seta rconpassword "%rconpassword%"

// sets the password to allow client control of the server</CONTENTS>














<CONFIGFILECONTENTS> //*** Administrator Info ***

sets Admin ""

sets Email ""

sets URL ""



//*** Server Name and Daily Message ***

set sv_hostname ""

set sv_joinMessage ""

set g_motd ""



//*** Passwords ***

set rconpassword "" // Remote administration password.

set g_refPass "" // Set referee password

set sv_privatePassword "" // Password for private slots on server.

set g_password "" // Used to password protect the server.



//*** Server Settings ***

set gamename "Q3UT3"

set sv_punkbuster "1" // 0 = off, 1 = on

set public "1" // 0 = Private Server, 1 = Public Server

set sv_pure "1" // 0 = Off, 1 = On

set sv_fps "20" // Server FPS

set sv_maxRate "20000" // Maximum Client Rate

set sv_minPing "0" // Minimum Ping - Reduce LPB

set sv_maxPing "225" // Maximum Ping - Reduce HPB

set sv_strictAuth "1"

set sv_floodprotect "1" // Turns on radio message flood protection

set g_allowvote "1" // 0 = off, 1 = on

set sv_allowdownload "0" // 0 = off, 1 = on

set sv_maxRate "25000" // Sets the maximum allowable rate a client may have set.

set g_inactivity 180 // Number of seconds before an inactive player is kicked.

set g_precipAmount 256

set g_enablePrecip 0 // 0 = off, 1 = on

set sv_maxclients "20" // Maximum Player Count

set g_maxgameclients "20" // Maximum Public Players, Allowed To Join


set sv_reconnectlimit "3" // Server Reconnect Limit

set sv_zombietime "2" // Disconnect Timeout For "Zombies"

set sv_timeout "120" // Server Timeout Time

set g_knockback "1000" // Weapon knockback

set g_smoothClients "1" // Enable players to use the smooth clients

// option on the server (cg_smoothClients)

seta g_allowVote "0" // Allow Players To Vote

// 0 = Disable Voting

// 1 = Allow Map Voting

// 2 = Allow Full Voting

seta g_removeBodyTime "10" // Time Until Dead Bodies Disappear

seta g_aries "1" // Enable ARIES Hit Detection

seta g_bulletPredictionThreshold "5" // Best To Leave it Untouched

seta g_allowBulletPrediction "1" // 0=Off, 1=On



//*** Logging ***

set logfile "1" // Turn logging on/off

set g_log "server.log" // This is to set the name of the output file. By default it's "games.log".

set g_logsync "1" // Enable buffered logging

set g_logroll "0" // Roll over logs to prevent any one from getting too large




//*** Warmup ***

set g_doWarmup "1" // 0 = off, 1 = on

set g_warmup "12" // Warmup time in seconds.

set g_respawnProtection "2" // Protects players for X seconds after respawn




//*** General Game Settings ***

set g_swaproles "0"

set sv_maxclients "20" // The maximum number of connected clients allowed.

set g_maxGameClients "20" // The maximum number of players that can actually join into the game.

// All other connected clients can only Spectate.

set sv_privateClients "4" // sv_privateClients and sv_privatePassword allow for private

// slots on the server.

set g_gametype "7" // 0 = Free-For-All, 1 = Single Player, 3 = Team Deathmatch, 4 = Team Survivor

// 5 = Follow the Leader, 6 = Capture and Hold, 7 = CTF

set fraglimit "0" // 0 = none

set g_referee "1" // Enable referee, 1 = enable, 0 = disable

set g_refnoBan "1" // If 1 ref will not be able to ban users

set g_aries "1" // 0 disables aries damage system - not advised

set g_matchmode "0" // 0 disables matchmode



//*** Team Game Settings ***

set g_waverespawns "0" // 0 = traditional, 1 = wave

set g_friendlyFire "1" // 0 = off, 1 = on

set g_maxteamkills "3" // Number of team kills allowed before kick.

set g_teamkillsforgivetimer "0" // Determines the number of minutes to forgive a tk. 0 is never.

set g_maintainTeam "1"

set g_followEnemy "1" // 0 prevents players from following members of opposing team.

set g_teamForceBalance "0" // Prevent users from joining lopsided teams.

set g_forceeventeams 1

set g_teamautojoin "0"



//***Team Survivor Specific Settings ***

set roundtimelimit "3" // 0 = none

set g_survivorRoundDelay "5" // Delay between rounds in team survivor.

set g_survivorRoundTime "4" // Length of a round in team survivor.



//*** CTF Specific Settings ***

set timelimit "30" // 0 = none

set capturelimit "5" // 0 = none

set g_respawnDelay 12 // Length in seconds before players respawn.



//***Team Deathmatch Specific Setting***

set fraglimit "350" // Frag Limit (FFA And TDM Only)




//*** Bot Setup ***

set bot_enable "0" // 0 = off, 1 = on

set g_spskill "1" // Determines the skill level of the bots on a server

// variables 1-5, 1 being lowest and 5 being nightmare.

//set bot_minplayers "4" // This command manages the addition/removal of autobots.



//*** Master Servers *** - The server can report to a maximum of 5 master servers.

set sv_master1 "master3.idsoftware.com"

set sv_master2 "master.urbanterror.net"

set sv_master3 "master0.gamespy.com:28900"

set sv_master4 ""

set sv_master5 ""



//*** Map Rotation ***

set g_mapcycle "mapcycle.txt"

map ut_algiers


exec pbsv.cfg

set filterBan 1




<DEFAULTCMDLINE>+set fs_game q3ut3 +set com_hunkmegs 56 +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_port %serverport% +exec server.cfg +map ut_algiers</DEFAULTCMDLINE>



<PRIVATECMDLINE>+set fs_game q3ut3 +set com_hunkmegs 56 +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_port %serverport% +exec server.cfg +map ut_algiers</PRIVATECMDLINE>










<DESCRIPTION>Players require a password (1) or not (0) to enter your server.</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Sets the password of the server to xxx</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Changes to map xxx. Current map rotation is lost.</DESCRIPTION>
























<DESCRIPTION>Restarts the round.</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Friendly fire on (1) or off (0)</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>g_friendlyFire 1/0</FULL_COMMAND>







<DESCRIPTION>Forces team numbers to be even (1), or doesn't (0)</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>g_teamforcebalance 1/0</FULL_COMMAND>







<DESCRIPTION>Sets whether to do warm-ups (1), or not (0)</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Sets the amount of time before the round begins in xxx seconds</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Sends xxx as a console message to all players.</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Sets game type: 5= Objective; 6=Stopwatch; 7= CTF</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>g_gametype 5/6/7</FULL_COMMAND>







<DESCRIPTION>Allow voting (1) or not (0)</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>g_allowvote 1/0</FULL_COMMAND>







<DESCRIPTION>Gives the status of all players on the server.</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Kicks player named xxx (punkbuster must be enabled)</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Ban player named xxx (punkbuster must be enabled)</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Kicks player named xxx</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Kicks player number xxx (Use Srarus command to find player numbers.)</DESCRIPTION>








<DESCRIPTION>Adds a single IP or IP mask to the banned list stored in g_banIPs. (Will ban IPs if g_filterban is set to 1)</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>addip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx</FULL_COMMAND>







<DESCRIPTION>Removes a single IP or IP mask to the banned list stored in g_banIPs.</DESCRIPTION>

<FULL_COMMAND>removeIP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx</FULL_COMMAND>







<DESCRIPTION>Displays a list of currently banned IPs.</DESCRIPTION>







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