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Whenever a DoD:S server of mine runs about 12 players + it begins lagging server side as fps drop below 50. The config I'm using seems to be ok, and the maps are standard. Any ideas? (tried all ticrates, running windows media player in the background)




a sample server.cfg would look like this:<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText">Quote:</td></tr><tr><td class="quote">

// server name


hostname "******"




// rcon passsword


rcon_password "******"




// Server password


sv_password ""




// server cvars


sv_accelerate 10


sv_airaccelerate 10


sv_alltalk 1


sv_autojointeam 0


sv_bounce 0


sv_cheats 0


sv_consistency 1


sv_footsteps 1


sv_friction 8


sv_gravity 800


sv_maxspeed 320


sv_secure 1


sv_wateraccelerate 10


sv_waterfriction 1




mp_allowrandomclass 0


mp_allowspectators 1


mp_autokick 0


mp_chattime 10


mp_clan_ready_signal "ready"


mp_clan_readyrestart 1


mp_flashlight 1


mp_footsteps 1


mp_forcecamera 1


mp_forcerespawn 1


mp_fraglimit 0


mp_friendlyfire 1


mp_limitteams 6


mp_timelimit 30


mp_winlimit 0






// bandwidth rates/settings


sv_maxrate 20000


sv_maxupdaterate 80


sv_minrate 7500


sv_minupdaterate 20


sv_pausable 0




// server logging


log off


sv_logbans 0


sv_logecho 1


sv_logfile 1


sv_log_onefile 0




// operation


sv_lan 0


sv_region 255




// execute ban files


exec banned_user.cfg


exec banned_ip.cfg


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