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Automatic Setup of Account on Order Failed (99 - No response received)


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Hey Guys,


Looking for some help with an error I am facing in whmcs. Just to clarify, this isn't the first time I have done a whmcs integration, but this time it's got me stumped. Also I am running whmcs 3.8.1


So I have setup my game server package with all the necessary options, etc (double checked for any mistakes as well) and gone in and set up the server in whmcs with the IP and TCAdmin login information. Then I moved to TCAdmin, enabled billingapi, and added the whmcs servers IP to the allowed list. I also checked my server in TCAdmin to make sure I am allowing signups along with checking that for the datacenter.


After running a test order in whmcs I get the following readout:


01/14/2009 19:54 Automatic Setup of Account on Order Failed (99 - No response received)

01/14/2009 19:54 Module Create Function Run - Account ID 58

01/14/2009 19:54 New Order Placed (Order ID: 51 - User ID: 28)


I then have gone and checked the TCAdmin logs to see if there is anything in the billingapi log, but so far there isn't even a log created anywhere for billing, which leads me to believe there is not connection being made between whmcs and TCAdmin.


So my question is whether or not there can be anything that I am missing in whmcs or TCAdmin that is not allowing the two to communicate with one another and process orders.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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Did you allow in TCA billingapi the site IP or the main IP of the server? Firewalls on both servers?


Yes I did allow the whmcs servers IP in the TCAdmin firewall. However I have not added the TCAdmin servers IP into any firewalls on the whmcs server. Hosted on a shared account so I don't really think it should be blocked for any reason.

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Thanks, that's what I was guessing as well, just couldn't figure out where it was being blocked, everything is set to allow traffic on the TCAdmin side, guess there might be a block somewhere on the whmcs side I am missing. Will try contacting our hosting provider for whmcs and see if they have anything setup that would block traffic.

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Check your billingapi log. Make sure that it's not going through another web server IP. My site is on say but when WHMCS logins to TCadmin, it'll use


As I mentioned above there is not billingapi log in my TCAdmin folders, leading me to believe no connection what so ever is trying to be made between the two, so no log is produced.

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I have a customer that has the same problem with that version. IT acts like whmcs isn't even trying. But only started after upgrade. Mine work great though..


Thanks, but unfortunately that doesn't really help me at all. Might be sending in a ticket to whmcs to see if in the new version they blocked access from other programs, or something of that matter.


Still trying to track down where the snag is and why I can't seem to get the two to communicate.


If any whmcs experts can pipe in that would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 3 years later...

Check your billing api logs in TCAdmin. The IP of the server where WHMCS is installed might be rejected. Get the IP from the logs and add it to the billing api allow list. This option is in v1 only.

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