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How many servers.


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Hi all..

I was wondering how many 20 man codwaw or cod 4 game servers could be running on one machine with tcadmin running also.


This is what I have for a server.

Dual Intel Xeon 3.4GHZ

4GB ram

72GB Ultra320 10K RPM x2

100mb line


Thanks in advance...

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Thats kind of like asking how many drops of water you can fit into a water hose.


Theres tons of factors, just run the servers you need and keep an eye on system resources. Check them at numerous times during the day/night. Mostly on weekends you will see the biggest increase in usage.


CPU being your main focus here. The less other CPU hungry programs you run besides gameservers, the more servers you could run. Also its a good practice to reset your servers atleast twice per week. When empty of course, like early morning 7-8AMish

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Thats kind of like asking how many drops of water you can fit into a water hose.


Theres tons of factors, just run the servers you need and keep an eye on system resources. Check them at numerous times during the day/night. Mostly on weekends you will see the biggest increase in usage.


CPU being your main focus here. The less other CPU hungry programs you run besides gameservers, the more servers you could run. Also its a good practice to reset your servers atleast twice per week. When empty of course, like early morning 7-8AMish


His CPU will not be his main factor at all, he listed he will be running COD:WAW and COD4 game titles, which use little to no CPU.


Your biggest factor is going to be both RAM and Page File, COD series love to eat a ton of both.


In regards to rebooting your server box twice a week, not sure why you would do that either...


It is very true though as jointopz noted, telling you how many you can fit is very difficult to do, specially as some of the COD mods eat even more RAM than if they are running default.


If you have everything in a good configuration, you should be able to get somewhere between 1 and 10 on it, though as you have a SCSI HDD, you may be able to fit more as SCSI handles page quite well.

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I wasnt saying he would have a problem with CPU, only that usually thats what limits you as to how many servers you can run. CPU and bandwidth.


Also the reason behind rebooting the servers twice a week is because if not they become zombie process'. Eating up more resources than they actually need. You dont HAVE to, but it keeps the server fresh and your customers will thank you.


Also most servers become more and more unstable the longer they run especially cod games. Cod4 will eventually stop reading a ping sometimes and need a reboot. COD:WaW will crash when running too long sometimes. Reboot when they are empty to avoid losing a full server to a bug.


Think of it as going to the doctor for a checkup BEFORE you get sick ;)

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