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Questioning about games with *extra* content


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Hi all


Every 3-4 days i receive emails from users where they ask me if i can host Trackmania gameservers. I've no problem running this title but the things that make me mad are the *extra* contents you need to run this kind of game :x~:-x~:mad: What am i talking about?


Remotecp, Xaseco, Mysql, php, Apache and so on


Are we game service provider OR web hosting provider? :confused: To run one single TM gameserver i need to install and configure tons of softwares not directly related to game. Finally I decided to stop with TM servers hosting because i was boring with "webmaster" stuff :neutral: Why dev-teams release half-done games? I think it is not my job to care of it.


I wish me to know your opinion about that

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For Trackmania ther is a mistake in the default configuration File


this config will prohibit remote Administration Query on the RCON port ( XMLRPC ), so it's necesary to turn this flag to True for remote admin ( RemotCP, Tmweb ,servermania).


For the local admin ( Administration In Game), it's necessary to install a php plugin like fast or aseco.


Typicaly , fast.php must be in the same directory that TracmaniaNation.exe and the launch file feel something like this


php5 fast.php dedicated_cfg.txt


For TCAdmin use, i 'm looking for suport for the launch method . I'm tryng to purchase a evaluating license to stude a method to help my Sponsor config his panel but TCAdmin reject my request.


So , if someone have a tuto or a valid script launcher for Fast and trackmaniaNationForever , thanks to share it .


ps: Sory for may bad english

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  • 2 months later...

I just finished configuring TMNF and TMUF to work with fast and other plugins.


Actually wasnt "too" hard, took me few hours still.


Just get the fast3.2 including php package, set it as if it was a new game so then u can add it to the secondary application of TrackMania (replace the executable by the .bat and set some random config file).


For TM config, disable the file manager else customers could be able to edit the php files and i may cause security issues.


about TM itself I had to use a "trick" to get it working : I had to first run a server with a .bat command line directly from my GameInstall Folder. Then I clicked on the popup message and server started, closed it and voila.

If not doing this new servers werent running as I would have had to click to close the popup for every new server, but doing this with the server files solved the problem for all the new servers created copying those files.


Hope those tips can help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For Trackmania ther is a mistake in the default configuration File


this config will prohibit remote Administration Query on the RCON port ( XMLRPC ), so it's necesary to turn this flag to True for remote admin ( RemotCP, Tmweb ,servermania).


For the local admin ( Administration In Game), it's necessary to install a php plugin like fast or aseco.


Typicaly , fast.php must be in the same directory that TracmaniaNation.exe and the launch file feel something like this




For TCAdmin use, i 'm looking for suport for the launch method . I'm tryng to purchase a evaluating license to stude a method to help my Sponsor config his panel but TCAdmin reject my request.


So , if someone have a tuto or a valid script launcher for Fast and trackmaniaNationForever , thanks to share it .


ps: Sory for may bad english


I reconfigured fast and you can get it working in a separate folder which makes then uninstall/delete possible.


Just set the .bat file as a config file so you cna use TCA variables :

"php5\php5.exe" fast.php   %primary_gameserverroot%GameData\Config\dedicated_cfg.txt   update_stop10

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