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TCAdmin Logging.

Inflatable Soulmate

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Maybe this isn't a supportable item... possibly a feature request. I just wanted to know if TCAdmin generates a log file that identifies which admin/user made what changes when...


We aren't a GSP, we are a gaming clan that is using TCAdmin to help us manage our gaming servers without having to give remote desktop access to multiple people for the purposes of restarting game servers. It adds a valuable layer of security to the administration of our dedicated server. So, since we aren't a company, we don't really have a system in place for keeping track of who did what. Basically, we want to make sure if a member of our organization did something malicious, we would be able to take care of them appropriately (granted, the worst thing they could do would be stopping one of our public servers).


I was unable to find any information in the pdf documentation about logging features. I suppose it would be possible to wade through piles of IIS logs if the need arose, but it would be hard to see what a particular person actually did on the website.


Any help would be appreciated, and if this is not something that is currently available, it would be great if a moderator would move this thread to the feature requests forum.



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You can find all the log files in C:\Program Files\TCAdmin Game Control Panel\Logs folder.


It contains many useful .txt files which track pretty much anything that goes on within your TCAdmin such as logins, FTP and DB Commands.

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