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I am very new to this ,i created a bf2142 server ,and it says its up and running,but when i check on it there is no query? is there a guide to set this game up properly?,or am i missing something on setting this particular game up?....i have set up cod4,cod2,codwaw, with no problems at all,itjust seems to be this game i'm having trouble with..any help would be much appreciated..Thank you

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Go into the game settings and make sure the ports are correctly set.

See this is where i'm lost ,i dont have a clue how to set this game up?what are the correct ports,and i have a config file,i just dont see where to edit the command line in the tcadmin icons for the specific game? i made a copy of the gamefile and tried making a server that way,but no go,,it was so easy setting up cod2,cod4,cod5,just not this game?? is there a wlkthrough on how to properly set this game up with tcadmin?...just seems to be bf2142 that is giving me trouble...once i get the hang of it ,i'll be ready to go,,thAnks for all the help guys..its myuch appreciated

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Most of the 2142 configs are using 2142CC to control the gameserver. Im sure you will want to use 2142cc and not just the normal 2142 rcon, maybe that is where your problem lies.


Be sure you are using the proper config for the route you wish to take in setting the server up. Either with the 2142CC daemon or without it. I know the Daemon config will not show a command line graphic in the user view, but you can change the command line inside the supported games list in admin.

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