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Truth in Advertising


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The thread was started just to argue? That's stupidity. These forums have always been and shall stay here for informational purposes only. If you want to "argue" or get someones opinion, do it in the correct manner and not on these forums. Doing this just starts arguments and hurts the over all health of the forum. It also makes you look bad.



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Just because games are not on our list does not mean we won't host them. After all they can ask for any game and if we don't have the files we will buy the game. Install the files and get a server running. And then let them know we have it ready when ever they wish to order it.


This topic was not at DCS it was something that we was talking about and they never came up in our conversation. And as far as the lowest prices, fastest network, fewest servers on a box and my favorite "Frag not Lag" just about every GSP has that.


As far as this being a topic for discussion I can see how it can be informative. BUT making fun of someones use of there 2ND language THAT'S uncalled for.

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The thread was started just to argue? That's stupidity. These forums have always been and shall stay here for informational purposes only. If you want to "argue" or get someones opinion, do it in the correct manner and not on these forums. Doing this just starts arguments and hurts the over all health of the forum. It also makes you look bad.




Get a grip dude, argument and debate are the very foundations of a democratic society. But then I am only assuming you live in a democracy.

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Yeah, I was going to say that, but I didn't want to flame, only give my opinion. That and I didn't feel like finding a game that you can play online that he doesn't host..


Links 2003?


We will host any game that will run on a server the reason we do not advertise FarCry2 is the $8.00 a slot we would have to charge for it.

And what we state is true if you are willing to pay for it we will host it for you.


We recently had the video cards in our servers upgraded to support DFBHD just because 1 customer wanted it. So yes if there are server files for it we will host it for you.

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