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There is no comparison


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Hello Everyone,




After using this product from near the beginning of the beta test, I feel that TCAdmin is the best game server control panel ever developed. TCAdmin has played a big role in our success and recent amazing growth. Without it, every aspect of game hosting would be more difficult and time consuming.




Let?s review.




TCAdmin's Positives:


1. Steam-lined game server setup


2. Easy administration


3. Mod installer


4. Easy to use client support system


5. Voice server creation


6. News system


7. Plentiful client features




TCAdmin's Negatives:


1. Cost




Our company purchased an Enterprise license just recently. While the cost at first glance may seem high, it's really quite reasonable. TCAdmin saves us 30 minutes per server setup, countless hours of support, and ensures the most optimal operations possible. Without a doubt, with 800 clients, the $2400.00 is cheap!




The benefits simply out way the single deficit.




Take it from the pros (hehe) and grab your license today. They have monthly licenses available for just $10.00 - $15.00 / month.




Hope this helps the unsure!






Jon Biloh


Velocity Servers



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