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CoD4 : How to allows users to..


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Hello, how can users can download the mods?


// Client Download Settings. (0=off/1=on) Used for MODs and custom maps

// See included Quick Setup Guide for instructions.

set sv_allowdownload "1"

seta sv_wwwDownload "0"

//seta sv_wwwBaseURL "http://www.your_website.com/base_folder"

seta sv_wwwBaseURL "ftp://client:client@ftpfiles.myftp.org"

seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"



I've configured this, but when I start the server with Pam4, they can't download the mod.


Thank you.





Edit :


The error is : Downlaod failure while getting "ftp://........../Mods//mods/pam4/pam402.iwd"

Edited by iLight
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If you don't have an external server then replace the above with the following...


// Client Download Settings. (0=off/1=on) Used for MODs and custom maps

// See included Quick Setup Guide for instructions.

set sv_allowdownload "1"

//seta sv_wwwDownload "0"

//seta sv_wwwBaseURL "http://www.your_website.com/base_folder"

//seta sv_wwwBaseURL "ftp://client:client@ftpfiles.myftp.org"

//seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"


All lines relative to taking the files from an external web server have been commented out.

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