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Murmur (mumble) with SuperAdmin working


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Spent 2 days to get this working so here is my contribution to this forum :


As you may know if you tried to host murmur servers with TCA there is (was :) ) no way to set up a SuperAdmin password as a popup had to be manually closed if the parameter -supw <password> was added to the command line.


Ive read every single page on murmur website to know how the program was working and how I could "trick" it easily (Im not a master programer) to get it working.


Here is the solution (tested and working) :


Make a copy of your murmur.exe and rename it to murmur2.exe so you got now 2 executables of murmur in your gameinstall folder.

Create a new .txt file and rename it to "server.bat". Now edit it and copy paste the following code inside :


set /p VAR= < superadmin.txt
start murmur2.exe -supw %var%
ping -n 3 > NUL
tskill murmur2




if tskill doesnt work try

Taskkill /IM murmur2.exe /F /T


line 1 opens superadmin.txt file (thats where I will store the superadmin password) and gets the password giving its value to the variable %var%

on line 2 we start murmur2.exe and set our superadminpassword

on line 3 we kill the murmur2.exe process to close the popup "automatically"

and finally on line 4 we run the server from murmur.exe and the superadmin login is now possible :)


Get my cfg file to make sure it works (you got the superadmin.txt configured with %rconpassword% inside so by default the superadmin password = rcon password set for install).

The TCA executable is server.bat and not murmur.exe if you plan to not use my config.


I disabled FTP and filemanager so users cannot change slots amount. Config editor is configured to let users set the most important parameters.


Solution was finally "simple" but had to figure it out :)


Edited by dimitrifrom31
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no problem, btw im seeking a nice andeasy to cfg/use web admin panel for murmur cuz atm registering users is a real pain and i would liek to make it easy. I assume some php scripts would do the job but idk how to make this created automatically along with the voice server. If any1 use webadmin and would be ok to share how he manages it :)

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks so much for the Trick to put in the murmur superuser, i did find on my setup tskill wouldnt end the task, so i downloaded pskill and used that instead. googling pskill will find you the file if you need it, first time you run pskill you will need to agree to eula licence so run it before starting your server up.




Visit ez-servers.net

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Thanks so much for the Trick to put in the murmur superuser, i did find on my setup tskill wouldnt end the task, so i downloaded pskill and used that instead. googling pskill will find you the file if you need it, first time you run pskill you will need to agree to eula licence so run it before starting your server up.




Visit ez-servers.net



ye i forgot to say it may depend of your OS. tskill works on windows server 2003, you may also use taskkill or ur program.

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oh, weird, well it works the way you dit it so no big deal :)


may depend on the windows updates or something. you can check the error message running the .bat in remote session and adding pause at the end of the bat.

so u can see if thats an unknown command or task not found (if you didnt do it already).

Saying this for other ppl mostly since u found a way to make it work :)

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  • 1 month later...

For admins (and not superuser) you need to stop the server, download murmur.sqlite, open it with sqlitebrowser and manually add an admin.


I made a tutorial including a video there :




If you talk about superadmin powers you may have missed something from my first post, try to type the commands manually instead of executing the bat.

It works on windows 2003 std 64 bits, not tested on another environment.



PS : I had to enable file manager to let customers download and edit murmur.sqlite (originally disabled in my first config).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi sorry to revive an old thread but i am having trouble using this


I have done what you said about the server.bat and rename the files correctly


TCA Says the server has been created successfully and says it is running but for some reason i still cant connect to it


Also is the username for the admin login on the server SuperUser or the persons cpanel login for TCA?





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Did you use the config I posted and if yes did you respect the folder name ?


TCA cannot query Murmur so it will say its running even if the server is not properly working.

Try to run the bat manually with remote desktop and see if the server works.


TCA Now works with mumble thank you very much :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

2) You batch say that superuser password is set but when you login in murmor no passwor is set


try this :


set /p VAR= < superadmin.txt
start murmur2.exe -supw %var%
ping -n 3 > NUL
tskill murmur2


it will make a fake ping during 3 seconds so it will let some time to set the super user pass.

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  • 1 month later...

I am having an issue getting this working for the 1.2 alpha. However I think I know what the issue is. If you use this command


start murmur.exe -supw %var%


it sets the password, but does not start the server. So if you just run it again, it will then start the server. However there is an annoying box that says,


Superuser password has been set on server 1


Is there a way to auto close this. It appears when I stop the sever it closes, so it not too important. Just wanted to share this.



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I am having an issue getting this working for the 1.2 alpha. However I think I know what the issue is. If you use this command


start murmur.exe -supw %var%


it sets the password, but does not start the server. So if you just run it again, it will then start the server. However there is an annoying box that says,


Superuser password has been set on server 1


Is there a way to auto close this. It appears when I stop the sever it closes, so it not too important. Just wanted to share this.




my post is actually a work around for that issue, the bat sets the pass, stops the process and then starts murmur server

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When I use your batch the superuser is not set right. If I just have it only execute murmur.exe twice (not murmur2) then it works fine.





try to type manually the commands one by one and you will figure out where it blocks. As some ppl mentionned that may be the task kill that need to be replaced depending ur OS.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Just to revive this as i dont seem to be having much luck!

Problem 1) When the server starts unfortuenttly Windows 2008 puts it as an interactive service, which then causes it to error "the operation requires an interactive service station"

When i run the .bat myself it opens the server correctly no issues.

Problem 2) Am i missing something or is it not possible to create virtual servers through tcadmin?


Thanks in advance!

- Sam

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