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I am trying to setup the TCadmin module in WHMCS so that it will auto create the server when someone places the order. I have been working with WHMCS support and they checked all settings and all was correct on WHMCS side but here is what they said:


I presume that connection error is because the API isn't enabled or the allowed IPs not set yet in TCA. I believe it's a module called Automation Settings or similar in the config area of their panel.


So....how do i enable that?

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Admin Home > System Settings > Plugins > Automation Configuration > Billing API Setup near bottom of page.


And Admin Home > System Settings > Datacenters > Datacenter Details > ensure at least one of your datacenters has the allow signups box checked.


And Admin Home > System Settings > Servers > Server Details > ensure Billing API Setup is configured for at least one of your servers.

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ok so i did all that but i still get an error in whmcs. now in:


Admin Home > System Settings > Plugins > Automation Configuration > Billing API Setup near bottom of page


I did check the box that says Enable Billing API(Autosetup/Suspend/Unsuspend/Delete) and i did put in the admin email account in here. The box below that...that says Allowed IPs: Do i just leave that blank? Or am i suppose to put something in there?

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ok so i did all that but i still get an error in whmcs. now in:


Admin Home > System Settings > Plugins > Automation Configuration > Billing API Setup near bottom of page


I did check the box that says Enable Billing API(Autosetup/Suspend/Unsuspend/Delete) and i did put in the admin email account in here. The box below that...that says Allowed IPs: Do i just leave that blank? Or am i suppose to put something in there? let me know

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Also if it is shared hosting or your own box with multiple IP be generous at 1st with your IP that you put in the box. Several have stuck there websites IP and still couldn't make connection only yo find out later it was useing the boxes main IP or some such.

You can allways clean out IPs after you ensure it works, but you waste a lot of time if you have only the wrong IP and you go looking elsewhere ;)

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Arrrggggg! Why does this integration have to be so hard. Ok anyways...so now i can see it at least attempts to connect to tcadmin. When i manually hit create to create a game server this is what i get:


Module Command Error

-1 - System.Exception: Game datacenter id does not exist. at Web.billingapi.xde97676d01739ced(Object xe0292b9ed559da7d, EventArgs xfbf34718e704c6bc)


Now what i did was log into TCadmin, System Settings -> Datacenters -> and i just put in the datacenter ID which is TC...... Is that the correct ID that they are asking for?

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The datacenter allow signup has nothing to do with connection its allowance. Iether it is not passing the datacenter ID (would be WHMCS side), you have typo'd somewhere possibly including a space, or you have not allowed datacenter and server in tcadmin.

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Perhaps you should take some screenshots of your different settings pages, datacenters, servers, and whmcs so we can see what you have missed or typo'd.


We could sit here all day shooting in the dark, and there is no garuntee the target hasn't allready been hit. Stare to long at something and you'll never see it no matter how hard you want too.

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