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Fast Download service?


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I have found a program which can ftp to both your game server and and a ftp/website and compare the files of the game server to a template game server. It will then bzip up all the files that are different from the template and upload them to the web server. I have been running this manually for customers when I realized I could make this into a service and give it to the customer so they can just press start. My only issue is that when the programs ends it says, press any key to continue. I can make the service manual, but the issue would be if they did not press stop, it would stay there. Is there a way to get around this, like for example set a time period and it will kill the service, or some how send a command that will make the program think an key has been sent? I have tried using a batch file but did not work.



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You could simulate the user input with a VB script using the following written into a simple script... I use the same for manually telnetting to multiple machines on a daily basis...


crt.Screen.WaitForString "it enter to continue:"


crt.Screen.Send "& _" & vbCr

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Ok I was able to get around that issue, but now I have another. I have created this as a secondary service and it works fine, but even though I set it to manual, after it finishes, and closes, tcadmin starts it up again. Is there a way to prevent this, to where it will just close and stay stopped until it is started again?

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