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Multi Theft Auto / Vice City


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MTA is a very simple server to run, no command lines, no rcon, no maps and only one config file. bliss




<div class="pre"><pre><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>



<NAME>Multi Theft Auto</NAME>
























<CONTENTS>Welcome to %hostname%</CONTENTS>

<DESCRIPTION>Message of the Day File</DESCRIPTION>






<CONTENTS># ServerName

# Required: Yes and MUST have a length of atleast 3

# Purpose: Defines the name in which the Server will be known as. Useful for ASE support and the upcoming Listing Server

# Notes:

# None

ServerName "%hostname%"


# GameIPAddress

# Required: No. Will set to default if no explicit specification.

# Purpose: Defines which IP address GAME server will listen on.

# Notes:

# Must be in IP address form. Comment this line out for default.

GameIPAddress "%serverip%"


# AdminIPAddress

# Required: No. Will set to default if no explicit specification.

# Purpose: Defines which IP address ADMIN server will listen on.

# Notes:

# Must be in IP address form. Comment this line out for default.

#AdminIPAddress ""


# ServerPort

# Required: Yes and MUST be greater than 0

# Purpose: Defines the port in which the Server will listen on for incoming connections.

# Notes:

# This port must not be used by any other process and MUST be opened for UDP traffic on your firewall

ServerPort %serverport%


# MaxPlayers

# Required: Yes and MUST be between 1 and 32 (Game 1 (GTA3)) or 1 and 26 (Game 2 (GTA:VC))

# Purpose: Defines the maximum amount of players allowed to connect to the Server and play in the game.

# Notes:

# Although we are using updated netcode, the Server is designed to to scale depending on the amount of Client's that our connected.

# So, this means that the less Client's that are connected to your Server, the less bandwidth your Server will use and vice versa.

# I advise starting off at a lower number, such as 8 or 16 (or lower), and monitoring your bandwidth to determine whether it is within an

# acceptable range and then adjusting accordingly. We DO NOT accept bills for going over your monthly bandwidth usage :P


# The Following restriction only applies to Game 2 (GTA:VC), Game 1 (GTA3) still supports 32 players.

# * WARNING * - We have dropped down the Player Count to a maximum of 26 players due to some restrictions in the current methods of

# the scm. Future versions will do things a lot differently, which will allow for this to be increased once again, but for the amount

# of Server's that actually run > 24, we thought this was an acceptable limit.

MaxPlayers %slots%


# GameMap

# Required: Yes and MUST be set to one of the options specified below

# Purpose: Defines the Map that the Server will be running (and in turn all Client's will be force to use for this Server)

# Notes:

# 1 - Vice City Deathmatch

# 2 - Vice City Stunt

# 3 - Grand Theft Auto 3 : Portland

# 4 - Grand Theft Auto 3 : Shore Side Vale

# 5 - Grand Theft Auto 3 : Staunton Island

GameMap 1


# GameHour

# Required: Yes and MUST be between 0 and 23 (24 Hour Clock)

# Purpose: Defines the hour the in-game clock will start on

# Notes:

# 00, 01 etc. is not required.

GameHour 12


# GameMins

# Required: Yes and MUST be between 0 and 59

# Purpose: Defines the minutes the in-game clock will start on

# Notes:

# 00, 01 etc. is not required.

GameMins 30


# RandomWeather

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines whether or not Weather will be random

# Notes:

# 0 - disabled

# 1 - enabled

RandomWeather 1


# MOTDEnabled

# Required: No

# Purpose: Tells the server whether or not it should send a Message of the Day to the clients when they connect.

MOTDEnabled 1



# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines where the client will download the client (Rich Text) MOTD from

# Notes: Must include the initial http://





# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines whether or not we should attempt to register the Server with ASE (All Seeing Eye ... Server Browser)

# Notes:

# ASE will attempt to connect and issue commands through ServerPort + 123 (or, in unavailable, +124, +125, etc ...)

# 0 - disabled

# 1 - enabled



# LogFile

# Required: No

# Purpose: Forces the Server to log certain activities to the file / path specified

# Notes:

# If you do not wish to enable logging within the Server, comment out the following line.

#LogFile "mtaserver.log"


# BannedFile

# Required: Yes

# Purpose: Forces the Server to store the bans of this server to the file / path specified

# Notes:


BannedFile "banned.lst"


# DoNotOutputChatToLog

# Required: No (this value is 0 if this is not specified)

# Purpose: Defines whether or not the Server should display/log chat text

# Notes:

# 0 - disabled, display/log the chat text

# 1 - enabled, do not display/log the chat text

DoNotOutputChatToLog 0


# StatLogging

# Required: No (0 is disabled)

# Purpose: Enables the statistics-mode logging for use with MTA-Stats

# Notes:

# If you want to generate a statistics page for your game, enable this setting and run the MTA-Stats

# program to create a PHP statistics page.


# * WARNING * - There is a potential problem when enabling this that may cause server instability / crashing. Use at

# your own risk.


# 0 - disabled

# 1 - enabled (statistics enabled)

StatLogging 0


# ServerPasswordEnabled

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines that a password is required for Client's to connect to your Server

# Notes:

# Password's are NOT sent encrypted in this version of the Client / Server. Please keep that in mind.

# 0 - disabled

# 1 - enabled

ServerPasswordEnabled 0


# ServerPassword

# Required: Yes (if ServerPasswordEnabled == 1)

# Purpose: Defines the password that will be required for Client's to connect to your Server

# Notes:

# Password's are NOT sent encrypted in this version of the Client / Server. Please keep that in mind.

ServerPassword "%privatepassword%"


# AdminServer

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines whether or not the Server should listen for connections from the MTA Remote Admin

# Notes:

# 0 - disabled

# 1 - enabled

AdminServer 0


# AdminPlus

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines whether or not the Server should accept connections from Admin+ Clients

# Notes:

# Enabling this feature will use bandwidth to the equivalent of an extra player

# 0 - disabled

# 1 - enabled

AdminPlus 0


# AdminPort

# Required: No (default port is 4003 if this is not specified)

# Purpose: Defines the port in which the Server will listen on for communication with the MTA Remote Admin

# Notes:

# This port must not be used by any other process and MUST be opened for UDP traffic on your firewall

AdminPort 4003


# AdminPassword

# Required: Yes (if AdminServer == 1)

# Purpose: Defines the password that will be required for the MTA Remote Admin to connect to your Server

# Notes:

# Password's are NOT sent encrypted in this version of the Client / Server. Please keep that in mind.

AdminPassword ""


# AdminPlusPassword

# Required: Yes (if AdminPlus == 1)

# Purpose: Defines the password that will be required by the MTA Remote Admin for Admin+ Connections to your Server

# Notes:

# Password's are NOT sent encrypted in this version of the Client / Server. Please keep that in mind.

AdminPlusPassword "%rconpassword%"


# AdminAllowShutdown

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines whether or not the MTA Remote Admin should have the power to shut down the Server

# Notes:

# 0 - disabled

# 1 - enabled

AdminAllowShutdown 1


# ChatFloodMaxCount

# Required: No (default count is 2 if this is not specified)

# Purpose: Defines the maximum amount of chat lines/sec to accept before action is taken against the Player.

# Notes:

# You will have to play around with this number to see how it works best for you. The value must be at

# least 1 and the lower the number, the less tolerance the Server will have for chat flooders.

# The recommended values are 2 or 3.

ChatFloodMaxCount 2


# BanOnChatFlood

# Required: No (default value is 0)

# Purpose: Defines whether or not the Player's IP should be banned if they are suspected of chat flooding

# Notes:

# Although this is a useful feature, you will have to remember that not all Player's suspected of chat flooding

# are in fact attempting to chat flood the Server. By default, the Server will disconnect those who are

# suspected, which in 99% of the cases should be fine. Only enable this if you feel your Server is under attack.


# 0 - disabled

# 1 - enabled

BanOnChatFlood 0



# Advanced Server Settings


# Only change these if you know what you are doing and know the limits of the MTA Server and your Connection



# ServerSendLimitEnabled

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines whether or not the Server should limit how much data is sent (will result in packet drops if the limit is exceeded)

# Notes:

# Gameplay will be sacrificed if this is enabled and packets are dropped. It is NOT recommended that you use this.

# This should only be used in emergency purposes and if you enable all these advanced settings I suggest setting the values very high.

# 0 - disabled

# 1 - enabled

#ServerSendLimitEnabled 1


# ServerSendLimit

# Required: Yes (if ServerSendLimitEnabled == 1)

# Purpose: Defines the actual send limit, in bytes, that will be enforced. If this limit is increased packets will be dropped.

# Notes:

# This value is the total bytes / second that will be allowed. It is reset to 0 every second and is counted on each send.

#ServerSendLimit 200000


# ServerSendLimitMaxAllowed

# Required: Yes (if ServerSendLimitEnabled == 1)

# Purpose: Defines the maximum amount of bytes to be sent / second that will be allowed before the Server shuts itself down.

# Notes:

# None

#ServerSendLimitMaxAllowed 250000


# ServerSendLimitLogDropped

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines whether or not the dropped packet notification's should be logged.

# Notes:

# 0 - disabled

# 1 - enabled

#ServerSendLimitLogDropped 1</CONTENTS>

<DESCRIPTION>MTA Server Configuration File</DESCRIPTION>







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Please folks... check your configuration files carefully. I edited this one due to a reference to the posters company website.




I don't think that other GSPs want to advertise for you :razz:




Again I could be wrong... :smile:

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