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ArmA2 v1.02


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I have/had a small problem with ArmA2 and i would like to know if its only me that as this issue.


I install a ArmA2 server (version 1.02) on Win03. To make sure it was online since its my 1st time with that game, i verified in the TCAdmin account i created for that game. It was stop so i started it but the server was not online and it was "Status: Running [More Info]" so i click on [More Info] to see what was wrong and there was this : "Game Server Is Not Responding"


Like any other game when shit happen, i did the routine check ;


-IP check

-Restart the box

-Windows Services

-Working Process

-Windows Firewall



Since i had no idea, i installed another one on Win2008 but same thing so i started to search on the net, TCAdmin forum to finaly end up in Behemia Wiki. I lost about 5 hours of work, search and configuration file fun and nothing to help me ... it was not working at all.


I tried to make it run from the RD and nothing. The Bohemia Dedi .Zip ... not a help ... so i got out for a walk ... just to take a fresh breath of air before kicking something ... got back home ... went back in the TCAdmin account to delete them but i had a gift ... the Win2008 was working.


Could someone explain me what the hell is wrong with that game or is it just me the noob? Is it Win08 only? Does it take that much time to start?

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Works fine for me on windows 2008. Just to let you know it will only bind to your main ip even if its set to another ip. so you will need to run everything off the default ip with different ports if you want to run more then one server.


Yes I know the game sucks.

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ArmA2 is a funny game ... a hell to start a server and when its on ... 0% CPU and 42Mo of RAM ... when 1 client connect to it ... it jump to 40 to 60% of CPU for 400 to 600Mo of RAM ... on a Q9650 with 8Go RAM. Is there a way to drop down or its lost for this game and its doing like farcry2?


P.S.: Jason, the server that i install always take 4 to 5 hour to start the first time ... even on the desktop. After that, its on but with a huge amount of CPU/RAM.

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Question for you guys, so i am installing ArmA2 for the first time, i havnt installed ArmA before. So made the intial files like the server.cfg file and uploaded the entire game directory along with that file and the ArmA2Server.exe file. I install it in TCadmin and it shows up and i click on start to run it and it says it is running but i cant not join the server or anything.


Am i missing any other files? Now others have brought up the Armed_Assault2.txt config file. Am i suppose to do anything with that? Because im mainly used to using the server.cfg file.


Can someone tell me how exactly they setup the server in tcadmin that is running properly and how to fix the CPU hog that it is.



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Here is my config, you just need the original game patched to 1.02 and the dedicated executable.


And no you cannot "fix" the CPU hog it is, the IA is calculated by the server thats why its using loads of CPU even when no1 is on (if battlefield is persistent) or with only 1 player.


Basically the CPU used is 99% linked to the mission launched then you can get 1 to 20 players without significant difference in ressources needed.

Armed Assault 2.txt

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Ok. so i do have the game patched and all the files except that one file you attached. Where do i put that file? What do i do with it?


I am such a noob when it comes to creating this game server. also do you use this as the actual server.cfg file or do you need that file plus the server.cfg file?


for this particular game if i can get pretty much a straight walkthrough from you or someone else for setup that would be great.



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