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SubUsers not receiving emails?


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Is that normal?


I mean I got a lot of customers who make subusers to let sum1 else administrate the server but those subusers dont get the emails when they install a map, mod or when the server is not responding.


Thats very annoying cuz im having support tickets and msn convos about that with my biggest customer who got like 6 servers, each one administrated by a subuser and he tells me they are not receiving the TCA emails...

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well i understand subusers may not receive the user login/pass reminder but apart from that they should receive mods/maps install emaisl when they are granted access to install mods/maps ; not responding server emails when they are granted start/stop access etc.


It would make much more sense, at least it does for me.


And I didnt mention the tons of error emails I got when a subuser is trying to install a ton of maps/map packs and mods in few seconds, all saying "an error ocurred cuz the file is in use" then they contact me saying

"wtf I install stuffs but they are not installing"

I answer "wait to get the confirmation email before installing another mod/map"

They : "I dont receive any email"


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hmm ok but subusers usage loses some of its interest if thats to get complaints from subusers to users and from users to me if not directly from subusers to me.


And when a subuser installs a mod he got the message saying "you will get an email when the mod is installed" so he waits, waits... but nothing.


I know it may be some hard work if that invloves security but its a major issue if we consider the subusers feature only (not major issue for YCA itself) and I was wondering if this would be fixed/implemented soon or on TCA2 maybe.


The "minimum" fix would be to disable the messages saying "you will receive an email when done" for subusers. So at least they would maybe stop complaining that they dont receive emails if they dont know they are supposed to receive any.

Then I would only have to deal with the install error cuz they didnt wait long enough between 2 installs.

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