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Counter-Strike Source jerky/laggy


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I have this dedicated server spec:

Intel Q6600 2.4Ghz

10K 146GB RPM

8GB DDR2 Ram

Running on TC Admin


now the problem is at the moment it is running 1x 32 player source server, ( please note it doesnt matter what game slot the server is running on tested on 12man slot )


when you first start the game server up people connect everything is great no problems! but.. when no one has been on the server for around 4-7 hours so its been empty for 4-7 hours and then someone connects onto the server, the server is all jerky / laggy!


now if you restart the server it fine again! until its been empty for another 4-7 hours and then starts again so you have to reboot the gaming server again...


the problem is this is not good for a public server or even like a zombie server.


the OS is Windows Server 2008


any one seen this be for?

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the servers command line is: -game cstrike -console +ip "IP Here" -port 27040 +maxplayers 12 +exec server.cfg +map de_dust2 -tickrate 100


server config is here:


// server name

hostname "Hostname Here"

fps_max "600"

// rcon passsword

rcon_password "anything"


// Server password

sv_password "dream"


// server cvars

mp_autokick 0

mp_autocrosshair 0

mp_autoteambalance 0

mp_buytime .25

mp_c4timer 35

mp_dynamicpricing 0

mp_fadetoblack 0

mp_flashlight 1

mp_forcecamera 1

mp_footsteps 1

mp_freezetime 1

mp_friendlyfire 1

mp_hostagepenalty 0

mp_limitteams 0

mp_playerid 0

mp_roundtime 3

mp_tkpunish 0

mp_startmoney 800

mp_spawnprotectiontime 0

mp_maxrounds 0

mp_timelimit 0

mp_winlimit 0


sv_airaccelerate 10

sv_allowdownload 1

sv_allowupload 1

sv_alltalk 0

sv_cheats 0

sv_friction 4

sv_gravity 800

sv_maxspeed 320

sv_stepsize 18

sv_stopspeed 75

sv_timeout 65

sv_turbophysics 0

sv_pausable 1

sv_consistency 1

sv_unlag 1

sv_maxunlag .5

sv_voiceenable 1

sv_minrate 5000

sv_maxrate 25000

sv_mincmdrate 50

sv_maxcmdrate 101

sv_minupdaterate 50

sv_maxupdaterate 101

sv_client_predict 1

sv_client_interpolate 1

sv_client_cmdrate_difference 30

sv_client_max_interp_ratio 1

sv_client_min_interp_ratio 1

sv_pure 2

phys_timescale 1

sv_allow_wait_command 0

sv_allow_color_correction 0

sv_pure_kick_clients 1


tv_enable 1

tv_delay 120

tv_transmitall 1

tv_autorecord 1

decalfrequency 60

host_framerate 0




zb_active 1

zb_crouchfix 1

zb_bunnyfix 1

zb_doorfix 1

zb_allowcashcalling 1

// server logging

log off

sv_logbans 0

sv_logecho 1

sv_logfile 1

sv_log_onefile 0


// operation

sv_lan 0

sv_region 255


// execute ban files

exec banned_user.cfg

exec banned_ip.cfg


how could i find out if it's ram issue?

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try the following cmd line :

-game cstrike -console +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +exec server.cfg +map de_dust2 -fps_max 0 -tickrate 100


and the following server.cfg :


// server name
hostname "%hostname%" 

// rcon passsword
rcon_password "%rconpassword%" 

// Server password
sv_password "%privatepassword%" 

// server cvars
mp_friendlyfire 0 
mp_footsteps 1 
mp_autoteambalance 1 
mp_autokick 0 
mp_flashlight 0 
mp_tkpunish 1 
mp_forcecamera 0 
sv_alltalk 0 
sv_pausable 0 
sv_cheats 0 
sv_consistency 1 
sv_allowupload 1 
sv_allowdownload 1
//sv_downloadurl "http://" 
sv_maxspeed 320 
mp_limitteams 2 
mp_hostagepenalty 5 
sv_voiceenable 1 
mp_allowspectators 1 
mp_chattime 10 
sv_timeout 65 

// round specific cvars
mp_freezetime 6 
mp_roundtime 5 
mp_startmoney 800 
mp_c4timer 45 
mp_fraglimit 0 
mp_maxrounds 0 
mp_winlimit 0 
mp_playerid 0 
mp_spawnprotectiontime 5 

// bandwidth rates/settings
sv_minrate 10000 
sv_maxrate 25000 
decalfrequency 10 
sv_maxupdaterate 100 
sv_minupdaterate 100

// server logging
log off 
sv_logbans 0 
sv_logecho 1 
sv_logfile 1 
sv_log_onefile 0 

// operation
sv_lan 0 
sv_region 3

// execute ban files
exec banned_user.cfg 
exec banned_ip.cfg



PS and try without addons/mods cuzz i can see in ur server.cfg that u got at least Zblock.

Also try without the tv, disable a maximum of stuffs basically so if it works you can then enable them 1 by 1 and identify which one is causing lags.

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