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No one sponsor this clan as they will try and intimidated you into sponsoring them


[17:55] Phineas.: Chris

[17:55] Phineas.: guy on xfrag server

[17:55] Phineas.: using fs script

[17:55] Phineas.: big time

[18:16] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: what?

[20:08] Phineas.: please spionsor ts

[20:08] Phineas.: we need badky

[20:08] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: we don't sponsor

[20:08] Phineas.: why not

[20:08] Phineas.: Its a ts...

[20:08] Phineas.: 20 slot

[20:08] Phineas.: 15 even

[20:08] Phineas.: its hardly anything

[20:09] Phineas.: and we need badly

[20:09] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: most clans don't live up to the deals

[20:09] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: freetshost.com

[20:09] Phineas.: what deals?

[20:09] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: you got them

[20:09] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: or freeteamspeak.com

[20:09] Phineas.: my clans last ages...

[20:09] Phineas.: look our ts jhust got hacked

[20:09] Phineas.: please help

[20:09] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: can't

[20:10] Phineas.: your shit then

[20:10] Phineas.: Going to complain to xfrag about you being shitty service

[20:10] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: your not our client

[20:10] Phineas.: I can be.

[20:10] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: go on then

[20:10] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: and we can protect your ts from hackers

[20:10] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: but we can't sort anyother hosts ts

[20:10] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: thats why your paying them

[20:11] Phineas.: no but im saying

[20:11] Phineas.: sponsor us a ts

[20:11] Phineas.: and

[20:11] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: we dont sponsor

[20:11] Phineas.: we will put on our site you sponsored us a ts

[20:11] Phineas.: why not.

[20:11] Phineas.: Thats kinda lame

[20:11] Phineas.: Its a 15 slot ts

[20:11] Phineas.: thats not much is it

[20:11] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: http://xfrag-servers.com/billing/knowledgebase/11/Do-you-Sponsor.html

[20:12] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: we have alot of reasons why we don't sponsor

[20:12] Phineas.: be able to host a boltwared banner on front pagER?

[20:12] Phineas.: thats a bit stupid

[20:12] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: we are not Boltwared

[20:12] Phineas.: Be able to host a Boltwared banner on your front page.

[20:12] Phineas.: retards.

[20:13] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: it says Xfrag-Servers

[20:13] Phineas.: it says boltwared

[20:13] Phineas.: im lookng NOW

[20:13] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: * Well established and active.

* At least 1 year running.

* High hit volume website and be able to prove this via stats. A google page rank of at least four is required.

* Be able to host a Xfrag-Servers banner on your front page.

[20:13] Phineas.: u just changed it

[20:13] Phineas.: lmfao

[20:13] Phineas.: it said boltwared

[20:13] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: i don't have login

[20:13] Phineas.: U gave me link

[20:13] Phineas.: and it showed me boltwared

[20:14] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: you must of been on Boltwared Billing System

[20:14] Phineas.: u gave me

[20:14] Phineas.: the fucking link

[20:14] Phineas.: blame urself

[20:14] Phineas.: not m

[20:14] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: anyway

[20:14] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: Sponsorship is only open to large communities and leagues

[20:14] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: site?

[20:15] Phineas.: http://www.rabid-clan.com

[20:15] Phineas.: or

[20:15] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: what one is your main site

[20:15] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: * Well established and active.

* At least 1 year running.

* High hit volume website and be able to prove this via stats. A google page rank of at least four is required.

* Be able to host a Xfrag-Servers banner on your front page.

[20:15] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: do your site meet all of the above

[20:16] Phineas.: Rabids been around 2/3 years

[20:16] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: High hit volume website and be able to prove this via stats. A google page rank of at least four is required.?

[20:17] Phineas.: http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&source=hp&q=rabid+clan&btnG=Google+Search&meta=&aq=f&oq=rabid+clan&fp=2b5b11435ced62e0

[20:17] Phineas.: its on google

[20:17] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: nope not that

[20:18] Phineas.: well

[20:18] Phineas.: its top of the first google page..

[20:18] Phineas.: has been for about a year

[20:18] Phineas.: so clearly

[20:18] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: nope

[20:18] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: Google page Rank

[20:18] Phineas.: fuck knows what that is

[20:18] Phineas.: Honestly.

[20:18] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: not Google Listening

[20:18] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: http://www.prchecker.info/check_page_rank.php

[20:19] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: your site is 1

[20:19] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: A google page rank of at least four is required.

[20:19] Phineas.: why?

[20:19] Phineas.: thats pathetic

[20:19] Phineas.: Because...

[20:20] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: nope

[20:20] Phineas.: The clan went inactive for ages

[20:20] Phineas.: and its bringing back

[20:20] Phineas.: plus who searches fgor rabid on google

[20:20] Phineas.: or adds new kinda thnigs

[20:20] Phineas.: there for.

[20:20] Phineas.: It wont go any fuirther

[20:20] Phineas.: CHRIST

[20:20] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: there are the requirments

[20:20] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: you will need to get them before we sponsor you

[20:21] Phineas.: bu8t how can we get that requirement

[20:21] Phineas.: when that page hasnt changed ina eyar

[20:21] Phineas.: ffs

[20:21] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: up to you

[20:21] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: but other clans have got it

[20:21] Phineas.: how?

[20:21] Phineas.: mate.

[20:21] Phineas.: your not understanding

[20:21] Phineas.: that requirement cannot be met with ours

[20:21] Phineas.: as the page hasnt updated in a year

[20:21] Phineas.: google that is

[20:22] Phineas.: that one page doesnt change

[20:22] Phineas.: Cuse no one creates rabid things

[20:22] Phineas.: rabid was created 2006/2007

[20:22] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: then we can't sponsor you

[20:22] Phineas.: but...

[20:22] Phineas.: doesnt that technically mean

[20:22] Phineas.: Although we do meet all but on requirement

[20:22] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: Rules are Rules

[20:22] Phineas.: and that other requirement

[20:22] Phineas.: isnt possible

[20:22] Phineas.: Due to a google fault

[20:22] Phineas.: not ours.

[20:22] Phineas.: That makes it not eligible that rule.

[20:22] Phineas.: Therefor your contemplating yourself.

[20:23] Phineas.: Really you wouldnt sponsor full stop meaning,. Your false advertising and breaking the law :D

[20:23] Phineas.: Meaning xfrag = illegal site n ow

[20:23] Phineas.: WP.

[20:23] Phineas.: Whos main owner

[20:23] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: do you have the stats?

[20:23] Phineas.: of xfrag

[20:23] Phineas.: wanna talk to him

[20:23] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: for proof of Website Visitors?

[20:24] Phineas.: yes

[20:24] Phineas.: weve receieve

[20:24] Phineas.: 47158 views

[20:24] Phineas.: since may 21 2009

[20:24] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: proof?

[20:24] Phineas.: its on our site

[20:24] Phineas.: the site has had 248 hits alone so far today

[20:24] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: url?

[20:24] Phineas.: right side

[20:24] Phineas.: http://www.rabid-clan.com/

[20:26] atxgamerZ Ferb: See?

[20:26] atxgamerZ Ferb: Thats more views then your sites probs had lol

[20:28] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: Hits Today: 264

[20:29] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: and your supported by EdenHosting anyway

[20:29] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: so why do you need us?

[20:29] atxgamerZ Ferb: They can only give us a server

[20:29] atxgamerZ Ferb: you see

[20:29] atxgamerZ Ferb: atxgamerZ

[20:29] atxgamerZ Ferb: is also eden - eSports

[20:29] atxgamerZ Ferb: and atxgamerZ is the cod1 section of this

[20:29] atxgamerZ Ferb: And the clans been around long time

[20:30] atxgamerZ Ferb: same leaders and shit

[20:30] atxgamerZ Ferb: a name change that was it

[20:30] atxgamerZ Ferb: and a new site

[20:30] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: well if you don't have the requirements then we can't sponsor you

[20:30] atxgamerZ Ferb: but we do

[20:30] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: libriscod11

[20:30] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: speak to my partner if you want

[20:30] atxgamerZ Ferb: youve seen all but 1 requirement

[20:30] atxgamerZ Ferb: which isnt possible

[20:30] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: he will say the same

[20:30] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: it is

[20:31] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: PAG got it

[20:31] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: AfterLife Gaming*

[20:31] atxgamerZ Ferb: AfterLife?

[20:31] atxgamerZ Ferb: they werent round long enough

[20:31] atxgamerZ Ferb: ioh the cod4 one was

[20:32] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: http://www.afterlifegaming.net/

[20:32] atxgamerZ Ferb: i type clan pag

[20:32] atxgamerZ Ferb: comes up on the first page

[20:32] atxgamerZ Ferb: meaning theres is not valid

[20:32] atxgamerZ Ferb: i know afterlife

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[20:32] atxgamerZ Ferb: my friend mapped for them

[20:32] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: http://www.searchenginegenie.com/google-rank-checker.html

[20:32] <Calling atxgamerZ Ferb>

[20:32] <Call cancelled>

[20:32] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: check your google rank

[20:32] atxgamerZ Ferb: ok ill try

[20:33] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: http://www.prchecker.info/*

[20:33] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: use that i mean

[20:34] atxgamerZ Ferb: i dont get how that shit works tbh

[20:34] atxgamerZ Ferb: infact

[20:34] atxgamerZ Ferb: its fucking pointless

[20:35] atxgamerZ Ferb: who gives 2 fucking shits about that crap

[20:35] atxgamerZ Ferb: uve seen our page hits

[20:35] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: and another one your failing on

[20:35] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: All potential applicants must demonstrate a professional attitude and understand that any agreement is for clear mutual benefit.

[20:36] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: speak with my business partner if you want he will say the same

[20:37] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: and we only do CoD Series if your looking for CSS or Steam Games

[20:37] atxgamerZ Ferb: i play cod1 and cod uo

[20:38] atxgamerZ Ferb: Ok Chris you say about the professional attitude.

[20:38] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: anyway anymore information contact my partner if you want

[20:38] atxgamerZ Ferb: Thats pretty easy considering I worjk for 2 different proffesions and do those jobs professionally.

[20:38] atxgamerZ Ferb: You sit on that chair selling servers.

[20:38] atxgamerZ Ferb: When you work as hard as me.

[20:38] atxgamerZ Ferb: You tell me that im not being professional.

[20:38] atxgamerZ Ferb: I work in a pre-school as a teacher and in a Catering buisness.

[20:39] atxgamerZ Ferb: So when you can do 2 jobs and still goto College.

[20:39] atxgamerZ Ferb: Please be my guest and tell me to be professional.

[20:39] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: i am training to be a police officer

[20:39] atxgamerZ Ferb: So?

[20:39] atxgamerZ Ferb: Im training to be a barister

[20:39] atxgamerZ Ferb: Which is higher then a police officer

[20:39] atxgamerZ Ferb: Ive had a teacher Sacked

[20:39] atxgamerZ Ferb: A police Sargeant Sacked.

[20:40] atxgamerZ Ferb: You really wanna try realise I have a soliciter in very close familly

[20:40] atxgamerZ Ferb: She teaches me everything

[20:41] atxgamerZ Ferb: Thought thatd shut you up to be honest.

[20:41] atxgamerZ Ferb: Get a life mate.

[20:41] atxgamerZ Ferb: Theres nothing proffesional about you.

[20:41] atxgamerZ Ferb: You are not a good help provider.

[20:41] atxgamerZ Ferb: And the service you provided was dire.

[20:42] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: if you want anything else please ask and come back to me and i am not intinidated by you

[20:42] atxgamerZ Ferb: Intimidated*

[20:42] atxgamerZ Ferb: Nice time it took you to write that.

[20:42] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: if you want anything else speak to m

[20:42] atxgamerZ Ferb: When you learn to be more usefull and realise that sometimes rules are meant to be bent depending on the circumstances

[20:42] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: me

[20:42] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: or my parter

[20:42] atxgamerZ Ferb: Nah

[20:42] atxgamerZ Ferb: I will talk to some other company

[20:42] atxgamerZ Ferb: you arent usefull.

[20:43] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: ok, have a nice day

[20:43] atxgamerZ Ferb: maybe theyll realise a clan tahts been up 3 yaers with that many page hits

[20:43] atxgamerZ Ferb: Clearly is a long lasting clan

[20:43] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: well i live my life by rules

[20:44] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: and i don't break them for any clan

[20:44] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: so don't try and intimidated me and have a nice day

[20:45] Xfrag-Servers.com | Chris: as i am not someone to be intimidated

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Somebody with that appalling grammar surely can't be training as a Barrister.


We tend to just ignore people, we used to offer pre-sales via MSN but the influx of requests such as this forced us to scrap such a service. Any emails are scanned briefly and deleted that refer to sponsorship requests that aren't worthy. :)

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This seems to be happening a lot lately Our latest response is:


We don't sponsor any servers it wouldn't be fair to our paying customers. If you would like to purchase a server we can give you 10% off your first month.


They don't bother us after that.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
And to add to that, if i was working 2 jobs and going to college, i wouldnt bother even caring about a clan...


I would have to agree. However this is becoming more and more a problem. Clients/Perspective clients think that we are willing to sacrifice all for them. While I do go way above and beyond in resolving client issues (even the ones that are faults of their own) they still try to threaten with the move option. Once I realize that this is habit then I suggest that they do just that.

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