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cheapo dedi server [east coast]


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Primarily we are a UK/Europe GSP but we have taken on one US client (long story!, dont ask ... lets just say Americans cant read the ? sign and dont know when they are on a .co.uk domain)




So we need a relatively low spec, cheap dedicated server for this client in the region of around $80 /month ... possible?




If anyone can help, then do so ;)





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Well, I would go as low as a celeron 2.4, 512 ram, small hard drive. Has to be windows and we can provide our own enterprise license key if needed.




Really anything around this spec would do the job as its going to be running one small server and a tcadmin monitor. Could probably get away with just a 10mbps pipe. Although mainly we are just looking at the best deal we can get for $80-$90 /month (if possible)







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  • 5 weeks later...

I am running a dedicated box out of Virginia out of the Equinix facility. We are running dual 2.4 Opterons. Windows 2003 64 bit OS, 4 G Ram And a 16 disk fiber array storage system that has a transfer rate of 2G/s. I could give you a good deal on some servers withaccess via TCadmin contact me at scottdray@comcast.net you can ping my server at

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