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Well you have posted a link to the client program not the server program.


The server files are here: http://www.shockvoice.net/page/dlfile/file=svserver-


Also after looking at the program it installs its own windows service which the server runs under.


So you would not be able to use TCAdmin to control it.

Edited by ECF
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You really need to do more research I think before you go on this band wagon. You have seen cheaper license fees and said hooray but you appear to have forgotten the other side of the equation that often times is more costly then license fees. Resource usage!


Shockvoice appears to have been written for the do it all kind of person and is loaded with additional features beyond just live voice communication. Features almost always come at a price, higher CPU usage, higher RAM usage, sometimes even higher bandwidth usage. These can realy start adding up per month.


As I browse throw the Shockvoice hosters I see two critical issues that I think you have overlooked. First everyone of them is also basing the servers price off voicemail storage (TcAdmin does not have anything designed to limit total file size so you’d be on your own here), and several of the hosters have QUIT hosting Shockvoice. This is disturbing because if it was a good or even moderate thing then why quit once you have the infrastructure in place to host it. Setting up the infrastructure for a new item is often one of the most costly parts of adding new services to a lineup so these hosters have decided to give up on that spent money for some reason.


Personally looking over the documentation on the program I think it is probably that Shockvoice is not ready for the hosting world. It looks like a wonderful voice server for one to run for one’s self (even considering recommending it to a clan I hang with) but it appears to lack the proper administration leveling required for a hoster. A host must be able to set how much resource a service uses, Shockvoice does not appear to have the required ability to have you control how the resource level while still giving the client full control over there server. So you must control it from the outside (IE privately written programs to monitor and notify) or you must serious limit the customers control which would likely mean upset customers.


If you are serious about Shockvoice then by all means proceed but take the time to do your research as I have.


Read up on all documentation they provide.


Run several test servers.


Try to override usage levels both yourself and have some friends help you.


Monitor resource usage as a server fills up.


Then make a list of shortcomings and things that are better.


Weigh the list out and decide on pricing from there and create your advert (teamspeak

and ventrillo need little add they are already known, Shockvoice is not you must sell the customer on using that for a voice server)


Hire (or do it yourself if you possess the skills) a programmer to come in and create scripts that will moderate the shortcomings to the point that you can reliably provide the program.

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