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HowTo : "Run Service as" automated


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Most of you may be doing it manually, everytime you have to create a new server you create a new windows user then grant him rights on the game server path and TCA service and finally open the services.msc to run the service under his account.


Thats not taking hours but it would be better if it could be automated no? That was my thought so with the help of Luis I created this install/uninstall script :


Prerequisites :

Create a new windows group (lusrmgr.msc) - here I called it "tcagroup" - and grant him the permission to log on as a service and deny log on locally (Administrative tools > local strategy > user rights).


Now add the following to your install script :


@echo off&setlocal enableextensions

for %%* in (.) do set serviceid=%%~n*

if not defined serviceid set serviceid=%CD:\=%

REM the line below creates an user with username %serverip%%serverport% and password %serverport%

net user %serverip%%serverport% %serverport% /add /passwordchg:no

REM The line below assigns this user to the "tcagroup", change group name if you chose another one

net localgroup tcagroup %serverip%%serverport% /add

net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

REM The line below grants full rights to the user over the GameServer path

cacls %gameserverroot-notrailingslash% /t /e /g %serverip%%serverport%:f

REM The line below grants full rights to the user over the TCA Service Path, adapt to your own path

cacls "C:\Program Files (x86)\TCAdmin Control Panel\Monitor\Services\%serviceid%" /t /e /g %serverip%%serverport%:f

REM The line below sets the service to be started as your new user

sc config %serviceid% obj= .\%serverip%%serverport% password= %serverport%



Of course I recommend you to change the password in red by another variable as serverport would be too much simple. A good choice could be :


ie some random characters of your choice associated to a TCA variable but your free to do what you want even use same password for all. For convenience Ive put the password in red in script to make it clear to change it.


Uninstall script :


net user %serverip%%serverport% /delete

RMDIR /S /Q "C:\documents and settings\%serverip%%serverport%"



Feel free to leave your comments and feed back, note that so far it seems to be working with all games but rFactor. For some reason I could not identify yet the rfactor instance starts properly but changes made to config arent applied if not running as localsystem. If you got any idea about that thx for replying

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Using the above i get

Error while starting: Cannot start service TC58628758734112860283558 on computer '.'.


For win 2003 use



Sorted it out on 2003 its slightly different

Prerequisites :

Create a new windows group (lusrmgr.msc) - here I called it "tcagroup" - and grant him the permission to log on as a service and deny log on locally (Administrative tools > local security settings > local policy's > user rights assignments ).


hay presto :)

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  • 3 months later...

Hmm, cannot get this to work for some reason, heres my install/uninstall scripts. Anyone notice anything wrong with these? Btw, thanks for the great script mate, looking forward to it working :)




Wanted to mention, for the uninstall script, if you use Server 2008, there is no document and settings, you need to change it to C:\Users


Install Script:

netsh firewall add allowedprogram "%gameserverexe%" %serverip%_%serverport% ENABLE

@echo off&setlocal enableextensions
for %%* in (.) do set serviceid=%%~n*
if not defined serviceid set serviceid=%CD:\=%
net user %serverip%%serverport% 20Rnd%serverport%Pass10 /add /passwordchg:no
net localgroup TCAdminUsers %serverip%%serverport% /add
net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited
cacls %gameserverroot-notrailingslash% /t /e /g %serverip%%serverport%:f
cacls "C:\Program Files (x86)\TCAdmin Control Panel\Monitor\Services\%serviceid%" /t /e /g %serverip%%serverport%:f
sc config %serviceid% obj= .\%serverip%%serverport% password= 20Rnd%serverport%Pass10


Uninstall Script:


netsh firewall del allowedprogram "%gameserverexe%"

net user %serverip%%serverport% /delete
RMDIR /S /Q "C:\Users\%serverip%%serverport%"

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Hmm, cannot get this to work for some reason, heres my install/uninstall scripts. Anyone notice anything wrong with these? Btw, thanks for the great script mate, looking forward to it working :)




Wanted to mention, for the uninstall script, if you use Server 2008, there is no document and settings, you need to change it to C:\Users


Install Script:

netsh firewall add allowedprogram "%gameserverexe%" %serverip%_%serverport% ENABLE

@echo off&setlocal enableextensions
for %%* in (.) do set serviceid=%%~n*
if not defined serviceid set serviceid=%CD:\=%
net user %serverip%%serverport% 20Rnd%serverport%Pass10 /add /passwordchg:no
net localgroup TCAdminUsers %serverip%%serverport% /add
net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited
cacls %gameserverroot-notrailingslash% /t /e /g %serverip%%serverport%:f
cacls "C:\Program Files (x86)\TCAdmin Control Panel\Monitor\Services\%serviceid%" /t /e /g %serverip%%serverport%:f
sc config %serviceid% obj= .\%serverip%%serverport% password= 20Rnd%serverport%Pass10


Uninstall Script:


netsh firewall del allowedprogram "%gameserverexe%"

net user %serverip%%serverport% /delete
RMDIR /S /Q "C:\Users\%serverip%%serverport%"


Please use my updated version posted in user scripts forum and post your batch error messages when running the batch manually.

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