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SOF1 and priavte server


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I have a little problem with the game called Soldier of fortune 1




When I install this game as a private server the tcadmin panel kills the game after a few second and give an error that it has detected it was running in public server mode.(whis is not true)


The strange thing is that the server is 100% not running public at all but private, when someone connects to the server they are asked for the gaming password to enter the game.




The server Status and Administration option also list that there is no password present.


This is what is shown:


DutchGame.NL Virtual Generals! base 0 14 false dm/irqctf1 20 Minutes




(the false value is the password field).




Could someone please explain to me how this is possible and how I can get this game to run as a private server?

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Sure, I am running about 5 SOF1 servers, 2 of them are private.


This problem also occurs on the game RUNE, but I do not have a private server running on tcadmin at the moment because of this problem.




IP's which are private:

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The problem is that SOF is based on the Q2 engine. The Q2 server query does not report if the game is public or private.




What you can do for now is set the compatibility to blank for these games. This is done in System Settings > Plugins > Configure Game Server Compatibility. You can also set it to public in the service settings and you will get the same result without disableing the game monitor and status page for that game.




I will add an option to disable the private check for certain game types so you can disable this feature for games that don't support it.

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