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Shattered Horizon


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I've just saw this game in steam. Seems there will be only multiplayer in first Futuremark game.


Some dedicated server info.

Shattered Horizon allows PC gamers to choose who and how they want to play through dedicated servers run by the community. Futuremark Games Studio will host dedicated servers for North America, Europe and Australia and New Zealand at launch with the server code being made available to everyone shortly afterwards.


Game server hosting companies, clan and e-sport communities, and tournament and LAN party organisers can contact Futuremark Games Studio for early access to server code via fgs@futuremark.com.



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Requirements: Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008. You also

need steam installed, and a steam client running and logged in. The steam

account used does NOT need to have the Shattered Horizon game purchased, any

account will do.


Installation: extract the zip where you like



Configuration: Start the configure.cmd from the server_exe folder, and edit

the configuration to taste. There's an example configuration file in the

server_exe folder that has all possible level and mode names. (The actual

configuration file resides under

C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Futuremark\Shattered Horizon\) You can add

as many level description blocks to the level cycle as you want.


Running a public server: Start the server by starting



i'm passing on this one

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To keep you all updated if you ever want to run this type of server




I'm going to be sending these updates on server issues as we get them asked

and sorted.




Here's how to run multiple instances:


. create a config file for each server instance, and change the port

number to be unique for each


. start the servers with the switch -config_file=<config_file_name>



again this will not help with the extra process of having to run steam on your box which is unacceptable

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If anyone is looking to host this type of server, i have got a reply with the following


Okay. We will of course add the no-steam-fix to windows as well, if

possible. Just meant to say that we are looking into it. Thanks for working

with us, and I'll let you know the moment we have some update on this.





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To keep you all updated


The team-killing kick is now implemented. as a

bonus, the server should now work on windows 2003. Unnecessary data has also

been trimmed, and the package is now much slimmer.


The latest server update sent had a small but annoying bug: the

steam_appid.txt contains the string 18100, but what it SHOULD contain is



To configure the team-kill kick, add the following lines to the config file:


teamkill_kick_threshold 0.5

teamkill_ban_time 600


The server looks at the last 1000 damage points for each player, and if team

damage proportion goes above the threshold, the player will be banned from

that server for the specified amount of seconds.


You still need steam installed and be logged in at this time, this hopefully shall be removed

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Command line parameters:


--config_file arg select custom server config file

--configure open config file

--level arg level to load

--port arg server port

--mode arg server mode (lan_server / public_server /




all working fine my end :p

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The game is very hard, but once you get use to the controls it is fantastic. You do need to be a very good FPS'er though, unlike me. It is not for the COD4 type player of this world, unless your Pro like. The game is good fun, and just making a opinion on the trailer.. is not really an opinion at all, more a mis-guided view based on... umm... nothing?


Are we going to get the text doc required for this game. Not being funny but I am paying a monthly fee to use TCAdmin and to keep it updated, so would like this, as it's a public online playing game to be hosted? Any chance of this?


Fankoo :)

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Not being funny but I am paying a monthly fee to use TCAdmin and to keep it updated


That doesn't include new game configs! It's not that hard to make basic ones.


It's really just a command line and a copy paste of a servers config file. You can make them more complex but it seems most peole don't.

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