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Style Sheets?


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Hi there,




I was just going through all configurations of Tcadmin again and found a stly sheet upload option i have never seen before, must have been blind ^^.




Well my question is what does it do?


I guess you can design your whole Panel with such a style sheet, or am I wrong?


In case it is like this, how would I do such a style sheet,...?


I am really curious about this function, thx for help.









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Style sheets are used to change color and font schemes. basically you can make your own stylesheet saying the table backgrounds should be blue, or the text font should be Arial.




CSS Sheets can be created from scratch, or using a web design Program such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver.




If you have never created a stylesheet, I would suggest learnign how, before uploading anything, as the results might be bad if done incorrectly.




The template system also allows you to upload your logo, and even headers and footers as well.



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The default one can be located in C:\Program Files\TCAdmin Control Panel\Web folder on your master server.




Do not edit that file. Make a copy, make any changes you would like, and then upload the new one using the Template section in the panel.




While editing the CSS in the web folder will change the layout, style etc.. the next time you run an update it will overwrite it. Which is why you need to use the Template plugin to upload it.

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