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Shattered Horizon


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why is everyone getting their panties bunched up over a game that doesn't support dX9? You should be glad developers are starting to move on...it's a DIFFERENT kind of shooter, not meant to be realistic or war like in any way... for a specific niche of gamers. If they released another world war II shooter, who would play it? I've had people come to me and front $4.00 a slot for it....that's worth its weight in itself if I have to run it on 2008 systems.

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why is everyone getting their panties bunched up over a game that doesn't support dX9? You should be glad developers are starting to move on...it's a DIFFERENT kind of shooter, not meant to be realistic or war like in any way... for a specific niche of gamers. If they released another world war II shooter, who would play it? I've had people come to me and front $4.00 a slot for it....that's worth its weight in itself if I have to run it on 2008 systems.


the idea to make something different is not enough to succeed.

what Ive seen of this game was just laughable.

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Jarnis - Dedicated server progress update

posted by Gee @ 01:49AM on November 15, 2009

"Yep, AFAIK the server code has been now fixed/tested to work on 2003/XP. Note that this applies to SERVER only. Client will never run on those OSes due to lack of DirectX 10.


It also means we are one step closer to the release of the dedicated server to everyone. You can also already see a bunch of people running dedicated servers with pre-release code."



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I do have a TCA config for this however it will not boot up as a service and says you are not logged into steam,

Even though i am, i have even run this via shortcut and it works fine so the game probably has an issue working as a service

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I have already tried that with no affect.

changing the service user to the administrator and the administrator using to boot steam, either way its going to be a pain until they solve the issue without having to be logged into steam.

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Aye :p tried everything i know trust me its a no go .

Steven is probably right but i have changed the correct settings with no avail


o well keep it until they sort the steam login issue out not really fussed

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I've noticed on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 that it will not show up on the desktop. If "Interact With Desktop" is selected.


Although, I've found VNC - Very much like RDP works for Interact with Desktop.



When im in Remote Desktop Session I cant see it interacting altho when connected via a Kvm it does interact (im under win 2k3).


edit : by "it" i meant game servers ranby TCA in general since I dont host that particular game

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You do not need to use KVM or VNC you can use the TCAdminConsole.exe

Which is located at


C:\Program Files (x86)\TCAdmin Control Panel\Monitor\Services\THETCAcorriespondedIDsFROMUSERFILES


I use this all the time if im debugging or creating new config files and i think there is a problem

you will also find more information in the TCID to debug your issues with that particular service

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