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EA License for BF2BC


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Hi im from a small company, but i wondered if anyone knows how to go about getting an EA license just so i can host the new bf2 bad company game.


Any point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.


The game will be hostable in Unranked fashion but you would need to Contact EA directly to get a RSP license.



Unfortunatley they are pretty choosey when it come's to selection.

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You could try hitting licensing@ea.com with an email from a personal account to see if it bounces.


Then again, we are talking about a Battlefield game. Its 6 month lifespan for hardcore gamers isn't really worth the effort when there are plenty of other popular games.


I know part of the agreement when I talked to them was you had to host 1 free server for every 10 you host, you had to make each client run their server the "EA Way" (rules of engagement or something) and if you didn't you could lose the ability to host ranked servers on that IP permanently.


Not to mention the setup costs which were if I remember correctly were similar to Pragmatic's licensing startup costs.

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