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ATHP Release & TCAdmin


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confirmation email :




We have received all necessary documents and you are now approved for the TeamSpeak 3 pre-release program! You will receive an email ON OR AROUND December 1st, 2009 (give or take a few days) containing further instructions on downloading TeamSpeak 3 for evaluation. The email or download package will also include query documentation so you can begin your migration or implementation strategy in terms of provisioning and automation.


In the meantime, if you haven't already done so, we strongly suggest that you review our ATHP podcast which contains valuable information regarding upcoming new features of our billing system and ATHP finder tool, new license fee information, as well as tips and suggestions for succeeding as a TeamSpeak 3 ATHP.


YouTube Podcast for ATHPs Part 1



YouTube Podcast for ATHPs Part 2



We look forward to your success. Best wishes and best of luck.


Thank you.


TeamSpeak ATHP Support

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