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Port 80 in use!!


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Hello, im fairly new to game hosting, and i recently started using xampp in order to get HLStatsX community edition running on my dedicated server.


Apache required port 80, and some how (i actually dont know how) it forced it to run on 80, which restricted TCAdmin web IP (the game servers run fine, theres just no access to the control panel via the web).


I would like to know if i can simply run the configuration, change the port, and all of my settings/servers/configs ect will be still intact when i create the new instance of the web server?


If not, is there any other way to do it so i can keep my data?


I have stoped using xampp (as i need TCAdmin sorted out first).


If any help could be give, it would be appreciated very much.

Thank you :)



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never used xampp but i assume its including apache for the web server so yes you can bind to another port, i dont remember the config file name but google is ur friend, thats just a value to change to 8080 for exemple then restart apache and voila (i would bet something like apache.conf but its been a while i didnt use apache)

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I have uninstalled Xampp for the time being, but i need to work out if it is possible to change the TCadmin port from 80 on the webserver, to something else without loosing any information / configs ect.


Thanks once again :)

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Xampp is a package installler the installs both SQL and apache as services.


All you need to do is go into C:\Xampp\apache or wherever you installed it and edit the apache config file to bind to a different port. Xampp comes with a admin interface that makes it easy to edit those files. You can even bond it to a seperate IP and use port 80.



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