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Request:: RavenShield Lockdown


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  • 2 weeks later...

You can't.


Couple reasons...


The game requires a compatable graphics renderer to be installed (aka geforce > 2 or ati > 9600)


Second, there's no multihome support so that's 1 game per actual game box, not ip.


Third it uses a launcher, and must be started from this every time the server crashes or is restarted.




They did a horrible job on this server, and it's a shame too, because the game is really decent.

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That's not good. As far as the no multihomed problem. it's not really a problem. Simply tag the "use default IP" in the game config setup. That way the games will allways be put on the first IP but with a different port number for each. So you can still put a few on each box.




As for graphics cards etc... You are on your own there :shock:




Maybe some people will post more info once they have played with it a bit.

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ECF this is the standard default cfg file






IsUbiOnline = "0"


UbiUserName = ""


UbiPassword = ""


ServerPassword = ""


GamePassword = ""


TerroristHuntNormal = "1"


AutoLaunchTimeout = "300"


MinimumNumberPlayers = "1">






gameType = "Team Adversarial"


gameName = "Ravnos"


maxPlayers = "14"


isRanked = "0"


allowRespawns = "1"


numRounds = "5"


timeLimit = "300"


scoreLimit = "0"


numActiveObjectives = "2"


autoTeams = "1"


autoAssist = "0"


allowClasses = "0"


allowReticule = "1"


showEnemyFlag = "1"


swapGoalZones = "0"


punkBuster = "0">






















and this is the command line parameters






next are some startparameters for the server I think































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lol thanks a lot




No I have prepared the 3,6gb folder as tcadmin directory rules


I have added the command line parameters to start it as batch process, but I am waiting the tcadmin config file to try to start the server :smile:




I hope in someone on this forum :smile:







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I can assure you ECF, before getting to that point, the game tries to initilize directx and crashes when it doesn't find it.




R6:Lockdown - Dedicated Server (RELEASE) version =




in 0.979000s


in -0.013000s


RSDirect3DRenderer::RSDirect3DRenderer Current PerfTime: 419023249i


[ERROR | RSDirect3DRenderer::RSDirect3DRenderer | 230] Failed initializing dxdiagn.dllRSDirect3DRenderer::Initialize Current PerfTime: 419023265i


D3D Adapter count 1


[ERROR | RSDirect3DRenderer::BuildDeviceList | 836] No compatible adapters found


[ERROR | RSDirect3DRenderer::Initialize | 335] Could not build device list


[ERROR | RSDisplayMgr::CreateRenderer | 1033] Could not initialize renderer




http://www.agr-s.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=22&t= 1536

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As we don't have the files yet, I can't comment on the DirectX issue. but I would assume as the other RB6 games, that it simply looks for the DX driver files?




If you install DirectX it should work.




Again, once we get the files I will have to take a look at them. As I could be completely wrong....

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