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Shattered Horizon Config

Guest louise

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Shattered Horizon Config


If you have the latest files, soon to be public Thursday

See below SH TCA Config


The New Server Files Include Fix's For


  1. Removed requirement to have Steam running on the host machine
  2. Admin console with login and password implemented in the new client
  3. Available as both a simple zip distribution, and Steam Tools-tab
  4. downloadable
  5. Optional and free server registration with Futuremark to be able
    to submit global stats
  6. GUI tool for creating configurations
  7. Admin kick/ban
  8. Server graphic and URL customizable
  9. Works on XP, Server 2003, Vista, Win7 and Server 2008

Edited by louise
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Might want to add to the commandline


--mode public_server --ip_address %serverip%


Also the commands don't need = just the --command space <argument>


--config_file=sh_server_cfg.txt should be --config_file sh_server_cfg.txt


--level= shoud be --level levelfileto call


If it works cool but its not needed....

Edited by HIS-MOTHER
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Learn to handle the game without TcAdmin, and or, learn to post a useful question.


The vast majority of the time if you do your homework and learn the game before you try and use a TcAdmin config then you’ll have no trouble with getting the game to run in TcAdmin. And if you do you’ll be better able to provide useful information for the community to help you and since you did your work the community will likely be interested in helping. Plus ECF and Luis will be more interested in helping as the hang-up is with there software.


But a post simply saying “It’s not working, what’s wrong?” translates to most readers of the forum as. I want a GSP in a box, and its not being one. Give me a fix now I shouldn’t have to work that’s your job. And it doesn’t take long surfing this forum to see what kind of response that kind of attitude elicits from the hard working GSPs that really know there stuff and hence can really help. ;)

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Maddog the config works, we have a test server up now. Disregard studeggle, you will find a few flaming A-Holes in here like that. He doesn't remember back when he first started. Oh that's right, he is one of those people that just know everything he has never had to ask for help.


You might want to check the version of .net, you need .net2.0


Also we had to purchase the game to get the correct dedicated server files. The free dedicated server files we received from Jaakko did not work. I think MotorMouth had to tweak the config louise created but it did work.

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Maddog the config works, we have a test server up now. Disregard studeggle, you will find a few flaming A-Holes in here like that. He doesn't remember back when he first started. Oh that's right, he is one of those people that just know everything he has never had to ask for help.


You might want to check the version of .net, you need .net2.0


Also we had to purchase the game to get the correct dedicated server files. The free dedicated server files we received from Jaakko did not work. I think MotorMouth had to tweak the config louise created but it did work.

There was nothing wrong with what he said, he was being blunt. Not an asshole as you think.

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Also we had to purchase the game to get the correct dedicated server files. The free dedicated server files we received from Jaakko did not work. I think MotorMouth had to tweak the config louise created but it did work.


The files we received worked just fine and then again later we recieved another set after it went gold.


Servers went up without issue. Maybe your DL corrupted as thier servers speeds for that file are quite slow.


You can also get the files from Steam tools.

Edited by HIS-MOTHER
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Disregard studeggle, you will find a few flaming A-Holes in here like that. He doesn't remember back when he first started. Oh that's right, he is one of those people that just know everything he has never had to ask for help.


Actually I remeber the days I first started very well. My first post here, I started playing with games when I found TcAdmin, included my servers specs, where I had gotten my files, and that I had been able to get it to run from the desktop by studing the guides allready written but was having trouble getting the tcadmin config to work. It was for old school DoD. And the problem was a trailing / in my tcadmin config.


I have asked for help on several occasions, and I have offered help on several occasions.


But I always do my homework and work hard to try and provide all information that I have so those I am asking for help know where to begin instead of a post that just says its not working.

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1 of the problem I found was you will need to install .net from v1 to v2 to v3. Going from v1 to v3 a file dose not get installed that some games and programs need. I have had this happen on about 3 different programs. The other 2 it's been so long I can't remember them and the 3rd was well this game. Once i did that the files I downloaded worked like a charm. The only way I could get the current files was after I bought the game. The version they gave us a link to was old server files.

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I just like to say Thanks to all the people out there with helpful info. I was very sleepy when I wrote that first post. And yes I should of explain my problem more. Im not to clued up on Server boxes, I run a box for my clan, so we can have different games to play.


Im in the process of checking what .Net frame work I run on box, Im using Steam Ded... files / plus put client files in there aswell.


So I just like to say thank you to all you guys& Garls for your help.



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  • 2 months later...

I can get this working no problem from the command line, but the moment I try to get it going through TCAdmin it creates a constant stream of error dumps.

Does it have something to do with the Steam.exe in there, and the random user TCAdmin uses?

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