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New Medal Of Honor Game coming out for the PC


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Looks like a Modern Warfare 2 clone with better graphics. Maybe a good purchase once it's in the bargain bin.


BF:BC2 looks a lot more fun.


I concur.


On a side note, EA has always been good to us with dedicated servers. Maybe they will pick up the ball IW dropped.


I'm also looking forward to the new BF coming, should be an interesting spring.

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You are judging by a 15 second long trailer rofl.




That's why I said it looks like a MW2 clone. Tell me, what exactly am I supposed to say? If I say it looks great, would I not still be judging it based on a 15 second trailer? If you assume this trailer is the only thing I know about this game then it is obvious that I WILL be judging this game on this trailer. Until we've all played the game any comments will be just that -- judgments.

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