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B3, bigbrotherbot for CoD4


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Hello, anyone have any luck getting B3 to work with TCAdmin? I've got it working, but currently I have no way of getting TCAdmin to control it.

My main problem is it's a .py file that has to be ran, so I get:

Application is not an executable.


Thanks in advance

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Hey Kevin,


I hate to say it but the B3 bot and setting it up and automating it is quite a handfull and then once you get it done the increase in business was not worth the time invested in setting it up.


More power to ya if you want to keep trying it but its quite alot of work to have B3 bot on your servers.


Look in services to see if the b3 service is running just not showing on the desktop.

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Tried your suggestion DougK94, but still no luck. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Feltz, it shows as running under services, but it does not actually run the program. I can double click on the same file that the service runs, the start.bat file, and it runs fine.

I also tried your way HIS-MOTHER and still nothing.

I also had a thought of editing the registry and making the TCAdmin service point to the .py file instead of the bat?

I also added my path to python to my system path under System properties.

Edited by KevinJ
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Hey Kevin when I did it I had a seperate option for starting the python part. So the customer would have cod in tcadmin and Python in their tcadmin so they coudl start and stop the python seperately. I didnt integrate them together I have the configs you can contact me and ill show you what I had.


I launched python with a bat file just fyi. The confusing part is all the mysql mumbo jumbo you have to deal with when doing B3 its terribly hard to justify at anything less than 2 dollars a slot for the amount of workload to offer B3




or add me to msn at ryan@primarytarget.com

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I'm letting them use their mysql on their website, makes it pretty "easy". So you need to have a python service and a b3 service in tcadmin?

Right now I got b3 as a secondary service for their cod4. I'd love to see your script or config that you used to get it working.

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It sounds like it might make it easier that way but I can tell ya that in order for b3 to communicate from your server to their MySQL you might have to mess around with IP permissions in order for it to work right. Cause the website/MySQL part was restricting incoming from the IP of the server where the game server is, But we managed to get it working a few different times.

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