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TCAdmin non administrator


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do u mean run all ur servers as another user?


edit :


if you want to run each game server under a specific user account (1 user per service) I can work something out for you based on my current project, should take a couple of hours max to adapt it to ur needs however you would have to edit each of your games install scripts so idk if that would be "fast" enough as you seem to want to make it quick but doing that takes about 30 mins for about 60 games and is just a copy paste job.


edit2 : the extra benefit would be that all your future game servers would also be automatically created using a new user account.

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do u mean run all ur servers as another user?


edit :


if you want to run each game server under a specific user account (1 user per service) I can work something out for you based on my current project, should take a couple of hours max to adapt it to ur needs however you would have to edit each of your games install scripts so idk if that would be "fast" enough as you seem to want to make it quick but doing that takes about 30 mins for about 60 games and is just a copy paste job.


If you can get on msn it would be great, regarding something else.

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TCAdmin running the gameservers as administrators is resulting in the upload/download exploit hole in the source engine to be penetrated and the system compromised. They are utilizing a plugin they upload, and execute on map change. The result can be used to do many naughty things....Use your imagination.


A workaround is definately needed, at the moment we also are working on adapting and fixing this issue...Any help from TCA would be great.


Proof of exploit, and POC was supplied to TCA via support ticket.


This patch here will help stop the exploit on servers running metamod 1.8.0




Other actions that can deter the issue from happening is setting your rcon password in your startupline as opposed to in your configuration file, aswell as setting your configuration file in the startupline and using something other than server.cfg such as noob-galore-rox-1911.cfg


Hopefully this helps, but hopefully some other issue can be worked upon to help work this out.





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This plugin really just means your not vulernable to outside users. You need to make sure your running all game servers on a very limited account, because even with that exploit fixed, any person renting a game server from you can still create a remote desktop account. I wrote a small plugin last night that basically lets me create a user account from SRCDS, then add it to Administrators (or whatever group I want) and log into it from Remote Desktop. This is probably doable with other engines as well, that use .dll's for plugins, as all it really requires is for the plugin to be loaded, then it's game over.


If the servers are ran under a low privledged basic user, this isn't too much of a big deal as they can't create new accounts and so on.


A lot of people have been blamming Sourcemod, Metamod, Valve, etc. Really any game that allows for c++ plugins can cause this to happen. Although that file upload/download exploit is Valve's fault, and I can't believe they still haven't fixed it.


TCAdmin running the gameservers as administrators is resulting in the upload/download exploit hole in the source engine to be penetrated and the system compromised. They are utilizing a plugin they upload, and execute on map change. The result can be used to do many naughty things....Use your imagination.


A workaround is definately needed, at the moment we also are working on adapting and fixing this issue...Any help from TCA would be great.


Proof of exploit, and POC was supplied to TCA via support ticket.


This patch here will help stop the exploit on servers running metamod 1.8.0




Other actions that can deter the issue from happening is setting your rcon password in your startupline as opposed to in your configuration file, aswell as setting your configuration file in the startupline and using something other than server.cfg such as noob-galore-rox-1911.cfg


Hopefully this helps, but hopefully some other issue can be worked upon to help work this out.





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