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TS3 Beta 17 released


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Updating on a 2003 x64 server


Using putty stop the server process


Backup your entire install including database.


update the sqlite database using http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitebrowser/


the commands to issue are

insert into perm_server_group (server_id, id1, id2, perm_id, perm_value, perm_negated, perm_skip) values (0, 2, 0, "b_client_custom_info_view", 1, 0, 0);
insert into perm_server_group (server_id, id1, id2, perm_id, perm_value, perm_negated, perm_skip) values (0, 2, 0, "i_needed_modify_power_client_custom_info_view", 100, 0, 0);
insert into perm_server_group (server_id, id1, id2, perm_id, perm_value, perm_negated, perm_skip) values (0, 3, 0, "b_client_custom_info_view", 1, 0, 0);
insert into perm_server_group (server_id, id1, id2, perm_id, perm_value, perm_negated, perm_skip) values (0, 3, 0, "i_needed_modify_power_client_custom_info_view", 75, 0, 0);

insert into perm_server_group (server_id, id1, id2, perm_id, perm_value, perm_negated, perm_skip) values (0, 2, 0, "b_permission_modify_power_ignore", 1, 0, 0);
insert into perm_server_group (server_id, id1, id2, perm_id, perm_value, perm_negated, perm_skip) values (0, 2, 0, "i_needed_modify_power_permission_modify_power_ignore", 100, 0, 0);
insert into perm_server_group (server_id, id1, id2, perm_id, perm_value, perm_negated, perm_skip) values (0, 3, 0, "b_permission_modify_power_ignore", 1, 0, 0);
insert into perm_server_group (server_id, id1, id2, perm_id, perm_value, perm_negated, perm_skip) values (0, 3, 0, "i_needed_modify_power_permission_modify_power_ignore", 75, 0, 0);


Extract the new files to your existing folder.


Start your server and done.


I'm also working with several linux distos and will report back with those as well.

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You can find that in their announcements.



=== Server Release 3.0.0-beta17 02 Feb 2010
- fixed possible crash while deleting subchannels
- clientlist option -VOICE added CLIENT_IS_PRIORITY_SPEAKER property
- fixed issue where query could start an stopped virtualserver while
 instance terminating
- fixed channel_flag_password was not set automatically while creating
 a new channel over query  
- fixed strange behavior while changing b_group_is_permanent permission value
- fixed licensing issue with max slots below 32
- query_ip_whitelist.txt removed out of package and is created if not available
- fixed PERMISSION_b_client_channel_textmessage_send not working properly
- fixed ghosting channel bug with certain default sub channel setups
- fixed critical after editing an perm/semi channel to an temp
- fixed unclear local accounting error messages
- fixed query bug which resulted in "invalid socketID" errors
+ added custominfo command (check docu for details)  
+ added permissions PERMISSION_b_client_custom_info_view
+ added permidgetbyname command (check docu for details)
+ added b_virtualserver_permission_reset
+ added command permreset (check docu for details)
! added b_permission_modify_power_ignore permission, allows to 
 add/delete permissions without having the needed grant values
! added command line parameter dblogkeepdays (default 90)
 defines how many days to keep database log entries
 (triggered on every start and while running every day)
! added command line parameter dbclientkeepdays (default 30)
 removes all clients which had not connected the x days and dont
 got an servergroup assigned
 (triggered on every start and while running every day)

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