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AvP Config File


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Yeah that's weird I read that as well. Seems like you have to buy the game to have access to the server tool, so I just log on with my personal account and download it, then run it once, logout and switch to a user with no games and it works.

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Yeah that's weird I read that as well. Seems like you have to buy the game to have access to the server tool, so I just log on with my personal account and download it, then run it once, logout and switch to a user with no games and it works.


so if I have the server files from one account,

does it work without logging into steam?

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Is there a way to run it without being logged in to the GUI with steam running?

I was thinking of having a TCAdmin service that starts up Steam, but would it be able to login? Or is there a better way?


you might be able to run it as a background, but I could be wrong.


Can you run the files without STEAM?

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I was able to run Steam as a TCAdmin service which let me run AvP servers via TCAdmin.

I had to login once with a random username, then quit, and then load it with TCAdmin.

Anyone having totally random ping if you have more than one AvP server on a box?

Anyone able to get -ip=x.x.x.x to work? It gives me a command not recognized error.

Anything to boost fps or lower latency?

Thanks all!


I don't believe it can boost FPS since only the HL + Source engine can do that.


I am not sure if the old AvP 2 could, if it can, then most likely this game can.


Did you get a config working, or are you only hosting 1 server?

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I was able to run Steam as a TCAdmin service which let me run AvP servers via TCAdmin.

I had to login once with a random username, then quit, and then load it with TCAdmin.

Anyone having totally random ping if you have more than one AvP server on a box?

Anyone able to get -ip=x.x.x.x to work? It gives me a command not recognized error.

Anything to boost fps or lower latency?

Thanks all!


were you able to get the IP + Port to work?


I had to add like


authport 270XX

gameport 270XX

lobbyport 270XX

updateport 270XX


on getting the ports to work in the server.cfg

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I can get it working fine starting it on the desktop. But as soon as I start it with TCAdmin it crashes and nothing loads.


yeah it works with just clicking on the .exe and a console pops up.


I got it working with TCadmin

but i can't get the


IP & Port to configure right, and the server query im not sure if it works.


What compatibility is this game did you guys set it on TCadmin?


Also, the server only lets you join aliens team?

anyone having a problem with that or random team?

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Anyone gotten the +ip command line setting to work?

Or a way to get that beasty 15GB per install smaller?


I been working on it and it seems very odd.


Haven't got the IP commands to work =/ and the port its like you have to add it in the config.


The game is currently 15GB so no, you can't get any smaller unless

they fix this without STEAM hopefully soon.

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I can atleast confirm that with the new dedicated server exe that -IP=xx.xx.xx.xx does work.


And it's also nice to have maxplayers in the config.


Just need to shrink the size of the folder and we'll be on to a winner.

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I was able to run Steam as a TCAdmin service which let me run AvP servers via TCAdmin.

I had to login once with a random username, then quit, and then load it with TCAdmin.

Anyone having totally random ping if you have more than one AvP server on a box?

Anyone able to get -ip=x.x.x.x to work? It gives me a command not recognized error.

Anything to boost fps or lower latency?

Thanks all!


Kevin wich command line are using or temporary tcadmin config I am unable to lunch usin tcadmin



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Here is the cfg I'm using:


// Example default.cfg


servername "Server Name Here" // Server Name

rconpassword test // Set Server Password

maxplayers 8 // Set the maximum number of players allowed in the server


authport 8766

gameport 3658

lobbyport 27015

updateport 27016


// Jungle = map name, DM = game type, tl = time limit, and sl = score limit.

addmap Temple PH tl=15 sl=10

addmap Ruins PH tl=15 sl=10

addmap pyramid PH tl=15 sl=10

addmap Gateway PH tl=15 sl=10



AutoStartOnAllReady // Auto-Start matches when all players are ready

AutoStartTime 120 // Lobby Auto-Start Timer (In Seconds)

host // Start Hosting the Server, server will not show up in any list without this command!


//End configuration

Here is what happens when I start it on the desktop.



If I start it with TCAdmin it crashes as quick as the window pops up.


This is the only AvP3 server I'm trying to run. No other AvP3 services are running I double checked.

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