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AvP Config File


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It might have to do with the recent update or some sort


I was able to run it background avp and steam

but server just crashed or don't respond Now


so I took it off tcadmin and ran steam and avp console pop up

and it worked fine


anyone else got it to work good?

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We have solved the AvP3 TCAdmin issue, but we are not willing to share this information at this time. We will only provide a config and instructions for installing the servers after we build up our AVP3 customer base.


Sorry but after all of the hours we have placed into this we have to get something back out of it


And who knows the next patch might fix this issue

Edited by SickPuppy
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I might have missed something but has a tca configuration file come out for aliens vs predator yet?


Has any one found a way to shrink the damn 15GB dedicated server files that steam put out.




no there no way to shrink it until rebellion can release this

without using steam but the game is about 15gb so I doubt

they will ever shrink it unless taking out the single player files

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Not sure if you guys have seen this yet, but a rather nice boost, if a tad late!




Dedicated server


New Features:


* Dedicated server no longer needs the Steam client to be running.

* Dedicated server can use DLC maps.

* New console/config file commands for dedicated server for friendly fire, team balancing and species balancing options.

* New console command to set a Message of the Day

* When joining a dedicated server on which a round is in-progress you now have a limited time to choose your species/team and skin before entering the game, if the game mode and server settings allow this.

* The dedicated server now installs to a standalone directory, and the install size is now ~2.2GB instead of 15GB

* Improved feedback and output for various console commands

* Improved server console output when players disconnect

* Improved server console output when there are problems starting the server

* Additional server console output about the Steam connection

* The dedicated server will now also be available via the HLDSupdate tool. Please note that while we believe there should be no problems as both the Steam Client version and the HLDSupdate version are identical, we cannot test the HLDSupdate version without making it available to everybody. Server administrators are advised to install and use the HLDSupdate version using their discretion.

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I have uploaded a working AvP3 config to my TCAdmin config download page.


It will run on a Windows 2003 x64 OS can't say about 2008


You neeed to run the service as administrator and it will not display on the desktop




Were you able to get the query to work on TCadmin?

or the game compatability? would it be avp 2?

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Not sure if you guys have seen this yet, but a rather nice boost, if a tad late!




Dedicated server


New Features:


* Dedicated server no longer needs the Steam client to be running.

* Dedicated server can use DLC maps.

* New console/config file commands for dedicated server for friendly fire, team balancing and species balancing options.

* New console command to set a Message of the Day

* When joining a dedicated server on which a round is in-progress you now have a limited time to choose your species/team and skin before entering the game, if the game mode and server settings allow this.

* The dedicated server now installs to a standalone directory, and the install size is now ~2.2GB instead of 15GB

* Improved feedback and output for various console commands

* Improved server console output when players disconnect

* Improved server console output when there are problems starting the server

* Additional server console output about the Steam connection

* The dedicated server will now also be available via the HLDSupdate tool. Please note that while we believe there should be no problems as both the Steam Client version and the HLDSupdate version are identical, we cannot test the HLDSupdate version without making it available to everybody. Server administrators are advised to install and use the HLDSupdate version using their discretion.


It's only 3 weeks late. Game = dead

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I've taken quite a bit from these forums so I'll give something back.


Game Comp = HL2

Query Port = updateport


thanks going to try it out.


also on the config sickpuppy, you should add the steam update you can fill in aliensvspredator so you can use the hldsupdatetool.exe

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