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TF2 and SourceTV


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OK, I've been going round and round with TF2 and SourceTV.


I have CSS, CS Promod, and other Source engine games that run with SourceTV by simply adding a stv.cfg containing the SourceTV settings and adding to the command line to set the max players and slots. They all work without issues and show up in HLSW correctly.


However, if I apply this same principle to TF2 it doesn't execute the TV immediately whereas the others all start with the spectator bot and STV running. Once executed via rcon it shows in the console window that it ups the slot count by 1, shows the same on HLSW and then TCAdmin disables the server obviously since the player slots have been increased. The only way I've gotten around this is to manually set the customer's command line changing +maxplayers %slots% and changing the %slots% to the number of slots they have paid for and then adding an additional slot in the service settings as well to account for the SourceTV bot.


***Below is what works fine with CSS***


-game cstrike -console -autoupdate +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +exec server.cfg -tickrate 100 +fps_max 550 +exec stv.cfg +tv_maxclients %slots% +map de_dust2


***Below is what works with TF2 if the slot changes are made***

***This is assuming they paid for 24 slots and I've changed the service slot amount to 25***


-game tf -console -autoupdate +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers 24 +exec server.cfg -tickrate 66 +fps_max 125 +exec stv.cfg +tv_maxclients %slots% +map ctf_2fort


Anyone else experience their slot number being changed because of SourceTV with TF2 and/or have a solution?

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Brilliant! I'll give it a whirl but just reading that I know that will solve my problem. Does anyone know why it adds a player slot with TF2 though and not with the other Source games I'm running?


thats just the way it is. Same for DoDS, I assume thats what the "additional slots allowed by game monitor" option was made for.

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