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Converting to MySQL


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I've read the article here: http://clients.tcadmin.com/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&catid=11&id=31


I would like to use the MySQL database on my webserver, which is seperate from where I host TCAdmin. I assume this is possible by simply skipping the directions on that page that talk about installing MySQL and Java, and I can just create a database on my webserver, which uses Cpanel, so it's easy to set up.


The problem I have is this: When I get to the step that says "Run the MySQL Migration Assistant. Select the access database file and follow the instructions to do the conversion. The default settings work correctly.", I run the Migration Assistant (I've installed MySQL on my dedicated box although I won't be using it to host the MySQL database). When I run it, it asks for a "Database System" on the "Source Database" page. This is the database that it has to export the information from. I *THINK* I am supposed to select MS SQL Server, but I'm not positive. In any case, when the "Connection Parameters" section appears, I have no idea what to put in there or where to get that information.


Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

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You are converting from MS Access to MySQL.


It's fairly simple, just be sure that you installed the ODBC drivers, or it won't work! and of course, make sure you backup your database (more than once, just incase) prior to even attempting this.


The connection parameters, are the settings for the MySQL instance you are looking to import the access database into. If you have MySQL installed on that particular dedicated server, you could use You would login using the TCAdmin username/pw you setup on the dedicated mysql server instance, and you would again need to replicate this user/password and ownership privledges to the TCAdmin database in the MySQL server you wish to eventually host the database from.

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